In this context, the first multi-donor EU Trust Fund was established in July 2014 at the discretion of the European Union and three of its Member States - France, Germany and the Netherlands. The donors decided to pool their funding, expertise and implementation capacities together, in close cooperation with the national authorities. The Fund was named Bêkou that means "hope" in Sango. Italy and Switzerland joined in 2015.
Since the signing of a new peace agreement in 2019, the situation in the Central African Republic has eased but remains volatile. Therefore, based on “continuing needs”, 2 extensions were approved, allowing Bêkou to fund new programmes until end 2021. In 2022, about 30 Bêkou projects are under implementation for a budget of €180 000 000.

The European Union has different tools to support the Central African Republic: the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) is leading the EU humanitarian response, while traditional development instruments such as the European Development Fund (EDF) are contributing to long-term needs. The Bêkou Fund positions itself in the Humanitarian – Development - Peace Nexus. It creates bridges between humanitarian and development actions; following the Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LLRD) approach.
Amongst the advantages of the Bêkou Trust Fund are its rapidity - it is able to act quickly, its flexibility – it is able to adapt to changing situation and notably to a volatile security climate and the enhanced donor coordination.
Areas of intervention
The 22 programmes launched by the Bêkou Trust Fund contribute to:
- restoring essential public services and basic social services (health, food security, water and sanitation)
- reviving economic activity (rural development, support to local economic actors, microfinance)
- stabilising the country and restoring the social fabric, in particular through reconciliation, peaceful coexistence between communities and respect for human rights
- re-establishing the legitimacy, rebuilding capacity and restoring the operation of national and local administrative structures
These programmes are aligned with the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA) adopted in October 2016 by the Central African State and its 3 pillars: (1) promote peace, security and reconciliation; (2) renew the social contract between the State and the population and (3) facilitate economic and productive sector recovery.

Key information
Creation date
15 juillet 2014
90 mois (initially 60 months, prolonged until end of 2021)
Amount pledged
EU (more than 70%), Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland
Eight years after its creation, the projects funded by the Bêkou Trust Fund have provided tangible results such as:
Related documents
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A travers le Fonds Bêkou, un Consortium d’ONG mené par l’organisation International Rescue Committe (IRC) améliore la protection et la réinsertion dans leurs communautés des femmes, filles et personnes à besoins spécifiques vulnérables aux violences basées sur le genre (VBG).

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