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International Partnerships

Promoting self-reliance among displacement-affected communities in South Sudan and Sudan

As a result of this project, over 34,000 displacement-affected people should have increased recognition of their human rights © United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
As a result of this project, over 34 000 displacement-affected people should have increased recognition of their human rights © United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

This project aims to strengthen the capacity of community groups in South Sudan and Sudan to provide protection, livelihood support and integrated services to some of the world’s most vulnerable displacement-affected people. The project also addresses disaster and climate-related human mobility issues. It is being implemented through funding provided by the EU Lives in Dignity (LiD) Grant Facility.

Scope and objectives

The project will run in 6 states, 3 in Sudan and 3 in South Sudan. As of 2022, Khartoum and the border states of White Nile and South Kordofan in Sudan host nearly 650 000 refugees and asylum seekers. Of these, 64% live outside camps, 54.6% are members of female or child-headed households and 2.6% are people with disabilities. While the vast majority of refugees are from South Sudan, a sizable proportion – 14% – are Syrian, with others from Ethiopia, Eritrea and elsewhere. As of 2022, the states of Unity, Northern Bahr El-Ghazal and Warrap across the border in South Sudan host over 125 000 refugees and asylum seekers – all are of Sudanese origin and the majority live in settlements or camps. These 6 states across the 2 countries host nearly 821 000 internally displaced people (IDPs) and an estimated 240 000 recent returnees.

Most hosting communities are in remote and underdeveloped areas with high levels of poverty, poor infrastructure and limited basic services. Without comprehensive, community-led programmes, many displacement-affected people will remain dependent on emergency aid for their survival. This diminishes their coping strategies, reduces their prospects for self-reliance and increases inter-group/communal conflicts.

The project partners will improve the capacity of community groups – in 12 community and informal/open settlement clusters – to provide protection, livelihoods, and integrated services for the most vulnerable residents via coordinated, targeted efforts. This approach will allow the project to deliver rapid and sustainable results, build community-owned/operated structures that can cascade the benefits to additional groups within target communities without project support, and allow the approach to be replicated in other communities in South Sudan and Sudan outside the 6 target states.

The project will also develop a context-specific business creation and employment readiness programme, provide integrated services such as education, water, sanitation and health, and address disaster and climate-related human mobility by mainstreaming climate adaptation and resilience.

Expected results

Increased income generation and livelihood opportunities

  • 50 service providers trained to respond to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of displaced people
  • 5 184 displacement-affected people employed or will have benefitted from business development schemes
  • 2 073 displacement-affected people have increased/diversified agricultural productivity
  • 4 406 displacement-affected people have increased and/or improved productive assets

Increased access for displacement-affected people to quality basic services 

  • 113 873 displacement-affected people have gained or have improved access to integrated basic services (education, water, sanitation, health and energy)
  • 50 community associations have improved capacity to expand the delivery of inclusive services
  • 50 service providers trained to respond to the specific needs of displaced people
  • 12 conflict mitigation committees mitigating, preventing or addressing conflict between and among refugees, IDPs, returnees and host/resident communities
  • 16 800 displacement-affected people have new or improved access to safe drinking water and safe sanitation facilities, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water

Enhanced prevention, protection and solutions for disaster and climate-related displacement

  • 33 600 people at risk of displacement included in local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national strategies
  • 1 036 peoples displaced as a result of disasters and climate-related factors received advice and support to find durable solutions to their displacement
  • 5 184 people in at-risk communities benefitted from consultation, education and awareness raising on disaster, climate change and displacement risks
  • 84 green infrastructure projects constructed or adapted

Increased enjoyment of human rights

  • 79 711 displacement-affected people reached through communications and advocacy efforts informing them about new and/or existing protection mechanisms that protect them against physical and psychological violence, and combat discrimination
  • 34 162 displacement-affected people have increased recognition of their human rights


The EU-UNOPS Lives in Dignity Grant Facility was founded in 2020. The facility aims to promote development-oriented approaches and solutions to new, recurrent and protracted displacement crises. It funds innovative projects that support the resilience of communities and empower their members through livelihoods and basic services, making a concrete difference in the lives of displaced people.

This project is a partnership between the Sudan-based national NGO, Global Aid Hand, the national South Sudan-based NGO, Centre for Emergency and Development Support, and the international NGO, Near East Foundation UK. The project features community-led engagement in the design and selection of social innovation grants, and strong local ownership, embedding the sustainability of the project from its outset. 

Implementing organisations

Global Aid Hand, Centre for Emergency and Development Support and Near East Foundation UK.