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International Partnerships


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Publications (237)

Showing results 90 to 100
  • Evaluation
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

The MTE evaluates the Huqooq Pakistan project from Jan 2019 - Jun 2020. It assesses progress, achievements, and factors influencing outcomes, by providing an independent assessment, lessons learned, and recommendations for EU and stakeholders, ensuring relevance for future EU projects.

  • Evaluation
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

This thematic evaluation examines the State Building Contracts designed and implemented globally by the EU during the period 2012-2018. In total 42 programmes are assessed across 23 countries, the majority of which in West and Central Africa.

  • Évaluation
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

L’Evaluation finale du projet Alliance Mondiale contre le Changement Climatique (AMCC) Tchad vise à fournir une appréciation de l’atteinte des résultats du projet par rapport à ses objectifs et des recommandations stratégiques et opérationnelles.

  • Évaluation
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

Cette évaluation est principalement vouée à fournir aux services compétents de l’UE, aux parties prenantes intéressées et au grand public : une analyse globale et indépendante de la performance, ainsi que les enseignements tirés, de manière à améliorer les actions présentes et futures.

  • Evaluation
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

This country evaluation assesses the EU budget support operations in Rwanda, with the total commitment of € 725 million carried out over the period 2011-2018.

  • Evaluation
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships

The mid-term evaluation of the SRP will analyze factors enabling or hindering results and may influence decisions on future phases. The project aims to advance Sri Lanka's reconciliation process by fostering collaboration among government, non-governmental, and grassroots organizations.