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International Partnerships

LRTF Mid-Term evaluation (2016)

This Mid-term Evaluation of the EC Support to the Liberia Reconstruction Trust Fund (LRTF) assesses the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability, coherence and EU added value of the evaluated action.


EvalRef 2016-M-629, Evaluation contract C-378863, Evaluated references C-238644, D-21344
Publication date
21 November 2016
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The terms of reference also list, in generic terms, items to be covered under each criterion. These items have been interpreted for the particular case of the design, construction and monitoring of the following roads: a) Red Light-Gbarnga (Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer); b) Gbarna-Ganta0Guinea Border (Design, build, operate, maintain and transfer); c) Cotton Tree-Buchanan Harbour (Design, build and transfer).

The Mid-term Evaluation involved a fact finding mission and an analysis of the implementation of the programme in accordance with the five DAC-OECD Evaluation Criteria which are: Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact and Sustainability and two EU-specific criteria: Coherence and EU value added. 

The Financing Decision was taken on the 20 th  of October 2009 and the  Financing Agreement (FA) became effective after the signing of the Administration Agreement (AA) with the World Bank by the DEU in Liberia on the 23 rd  of September 2010.

The Liberia Reconstruction Trust Fund was established in 2007 and is managed by the International Development Association (IDA) on behalf of the Government of Liberia (GoL).  The overall objective of the LRTF is to contribute to inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction in line with the Liberian Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), through fostering coordinated planning of infrastructure reconstruction  (specific objective). The programme aims to achieve the rehabilitation and maintenance of at least one section of the two primary roads.

Although not specifically earmarked, the EC contribution to the LRTF programme was seen as crucial for the rehabilitation of two of Liberia’s most important primary roads, i.e. Monrovia-Gbarnga-GantaGuinea border and Cotton Tree-Buchanan Harbour.


21 NOVEMBER 2016
LRTF Mid-Term evaluation (2016)