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International Partnerships

MADE51: The brand promoting artisan products made by refugees

"We learn new things from each other and give each other courage and strength"
– Sidi, a Malian refugee jeweller in Niger

"A product that is the result of a hard work in group has more value than a product I have made myself alone. With the money I make, I can feed my children, buy clothes and pay their school fees. I can also buy some raw material to continue to work and improve my craft.”

With the support of the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), UNHCR strengthened MADE51 in Burkina Faso and launched the concept in Niger, where it has identified a suitable social enterprise and is supporting the design of a new product line created by refugee artisans.

As part of this work, MADE51 has provided learning opportunities, like the training Sidi and Ousseina took part in, and remote technical support.

To mark the end of 2023, UNHCR has also included a new holiday collection, including products from Afghan refugees living in Pakistan and Malaysia, and Syrian refugees living in Turkey, Armenia and Lebanon.