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  • Evaluation

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Institutional Capacity Building for the Transport Sector in Uganda (2019)

Mid-term Evaluation assesses EU's "Institutional Capacity Building for Transport Sector in Uganda" program under 11th EDF.


EvalRef 2019-M-1307, Evaluation contract C-406140, Evaluated references D-39149
Publication date
18 October 2019
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The objective of the assignment is to carry out a mid-term external assessment (Mid Term Evaluation or MTE) of the Programme “Institutional Capacity Building for the Transport Sector in Uganda” financed by EU Cooperation with Uganda under the 11th EDF. 
The evaluation is carried out for both accountability and learning purposes.

In consideration of its mid-term nature, the Evaluation will focus on processes and results (outputs and outcomes) as well as lessons and recommendations for the follow up. Lesson learning will address a) lessons for a positive conclusion of the programme, including for achieving sustainability and b) lessons to inform future transport sector Cooperation strategies.
The legal scope of the evaluation is defined by the 11th EDF instrument (with Cotonou Agreement and Annexes), the Programme Financing Agreement (FA) and contracts signed under the FA (service contracts for TA and grant).
The temporal scope is framed by the starting date of the service contracts (8 December 2017) to mid-way their implementation (May 2019).

The purpose of the evaluation is to provide the EU with an independent analysis of its programme to strengthen the capacity and the institutional structures of the transport sector in Uganda, using the DAC evaluation criteria and the specific EU criteria.

An evaluation framework including 7 EQs and Judgment Criteria was agreed with the Reference Group during the inception phase. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to gather information about EQ and JCs: Documents review, Interviews with stakeholders, Focus Group discussions, Survey supported by electronic questionnaire, Exchanges with the Reference Group and stakeholders.


  • 18 OCTOBER 2019
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Institutional Capacity Building for the Transport Sector in Uganda (2019)