EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package - European Commission
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EU-Africa: Global Gateway Investment Package

€150 billion
in investments

Accelerating the green transition

Green transition: key areas

Sustainable energy

The Investment Package will allow to increase renewable energy and hydrogen and share in the energy mix, access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy as well as support market integration and sector reforms.

Ambition by 2030: Increase the renewable energy generation capacity by at least an additional 300 GW.


Initiatives undertaken under the Investment Package contribute to increasing sustainable use of natural resources and biodiversity protection and nature-based solutions as the basis of a green recovery, including support to the protection of landscapes and ecosystems.

Ambition by 2030: Improve the livelihood of 65 million people, capturing carbon, stabilising 3 million km² of land and ensuring water security.

Agri-food systems

The Investment Package supports more sustainable African agri-food systems by creating a conducive and transparent policy environment for sustainable private investments, enhancing investments in support to agri-food and fish-processing, facilitating innovation and boosting improved nutrition.

Ambition by 2030: accelerate the sustainable transformation of African food systems, in support of Africa’s agriculture, fisheries and food development agenda.

Climate resilience and disaster risk reduction

Africa is particularly vulnerable to extreme impacts of climate change, which threatens to undo decades of economic progress and development. The Investment Package is contributing to building resilience by supporting in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction and strengthening governance to manage disaster risk.

Ambition by 2030: Enhance capacity of partner countries to adapt to climate change and substantially reduce disaster risk.

Accelerating the digital transition

Accelerating sustainable growth and decent job creation

Sustainable growth: key areas


The Investment Package facilitates mobility and trade within Africa and between Africa and Europe through strategic corridors, by developing multi-country transport infrastructure, supporting investment in sustainable, efficient, and safe connectivity between both continents and updating and harmonising regulatory frameworks.

Ambition by 2030: Integrate the African and European multimodal transport networks in line with the regional and continental frameworks and tailor these networks to the economic potential of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

Support to businesses

The Investment Package supports early-stage businesses and young entrepreneurs - especially women - in Africa to launch, consolidate and grow sustainable, strong and inclusive businesses and create decent jobs, by offering financial and technical support at the early stages of their development.

Ambition by 2030: Increase the private sector’s contribution to Africa’s growth and economic transformation.

Economic integration

The EU supports strengthening Africa’s economic integration process towards the African vision of the AfCFTA as a single continental trade and investment system which is stable, solid and based on clear regulatory frameworks. As part of its Team Europe efforts, the European Commission has announced additional €630 million to continue such support, including the operationalisation of the TEI Technical Assistance Facility to the AfCFTA - a €24.2 million action co-funded by France, Germany and Sweden.

Ambition by 2030: Strengthen continental and regional economic integration and accelerate Africa’s industrial development.

Inclusive economies - North Africa region

Through the Economic and Investment plan for the Southern Neighbourhood, the EU seeks to promote sustainable trade and investment into higher value-added sectors and support vocational training to seize the new opportunities offered by the twin transitions green and digital. The initiative will also support entrepreneurship for young and women entrepreneurs, particularly in future-oriented areas.

Ambition by 2030: Increase the private sector’s contribution to Africa’s growth and economic transformation.

Sustainable mineral raw materials value chains

The EU is developing bilateral partnerships with resource-rich countries to identify key thematic areas to take advantage of the AfCFTA and to promote investment along the raw materials value chains, supporting partner countries to develop regional value chains, diversify their economies and create local added-value.

Ambition by 2030: Enable African countries to integrate their raw materials and resources into sustainable global value chains.

Africa-EU Science, Technology and Innovation Initiative

The EU is committed to step up cooperation with partner countries to improve capacities in science, technology and innovation, upgrade research and innovation facilities, strengthen innovation ecosystems, and increase research collaboration. The Investment Package supports the use of new technologies and knowledge transfers in Africa by leveraging EU Space Programmes and applications.

Ambition by 2030: Acceleration of Africa’s transition to an innovation-led, scientific knowledge-based economy value chains.

Strengthening health and pharmaceutical systems

Investing in education and training

Supporting sustainable financing for growth

Sustainable financing: key areas

Grants and loans

The financing of the Global Gateway Africa-Europe Investment Package includes the EU and the EU Member States’ bilateral aid, and both grants and loans. The Investment Package is also attracting private funding, targeting investment from both Africa and Europe.

The EU helps mobilising investment by sharing risks involved in investing through blended finance and guarantees.

Global Green Bond Initiative

The EU seeks to support partner countries in developing and scaling up their green bond markets, and so help them to attract greater financing from the international capital markets and institutional investors for their sustainable investment. This is done by:

  • providing Technical Assistance to partners, and
  • attracting private investors
Special Drawing Rights

On 14 October 2022, the EU signed a €100 million grant agreement for the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT). It will allow the IMF to make about €630 million worth of zero interest loans for PRGT-eligible African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries facing balance of payments difficulties. This comes in addition to Special Drawing Rights rechanneling from EU Member States. Access to affordable finance is key to help these countries maintain macroeconomic stability in the context of economic and food crisis worsened by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The EU’s contribution reflects its commitment to find multilateral solutions to today’s most pressing challenges and complements EU Member States’ pledges to channel SDR contributions.