The aim of the strategy is to make the Directorate-General for International Partnerships a collaborative and learning organisation that develops, shares and applies the knowledge and expertise it needs to perform its mission.

Capacity4dev is the knowledge sharing platform created by the Commission's Directorate General for International Partnerships to connect development professionals around the world so they can collaborate and share knowledge and lessons learnt about their work.

EU International Partnerships Academy is our centralised e-learning portal, featuring free and interactive online courses, learning material, videos, live webinars etc. Open to the entire international development community, it promotes policy coherence by sharing our approaches with all of our partners.
The International Partnerships InfoPoint is a unique way to access all EU external action services. Since 2006, we have delivered conferences and on-demand presentations to about 10,000 visitors per year. It is a space for dialogue, exchange of ideas and networking on issues related to international partnerships.

Effective communication is an essential component of successful EU-financed cooperation projects and programmes. Partners must plan communication activities from the start of their actions.
The 'Communication and Visibility Requirements' for implementing partners came into force on 1st January 2018, and apply to all contracts signed from that date.
The guidelines are designed to support the Directorate-General for International Partnerships, EU Delegations and external service providers to produce powerful, contemporary and consistent digital content, which reflects the EU International Partnerships verbal and visual style.