Youth - European Commission
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International Partnerships


Global Gateway High-Level Youth Event

Programmes and initiatives

The EU supports partner countries to review and design policies to promote young people’s well-being and rights, and facilitate their inclusion in social, civic and economic life.

Youth Sounding Board

The Youth Sounding Board is a space for young people to have an influence on EU external action and international partnerships.

OCT Youth Network
The network increases the ties between young people living in Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) and the EU, and enhances the knowledge and involvement of young people in the EU-OCT partnership.
The European Commission and the world’s largest youth organisations, the “Big Six”, announced a partnership today to launch the EU Youth Empowerment Fund
The EU Youth Empowerment Fund will provide and facilitate access to vital resources for young people to contribute to the sustainable development of their local communities and societies in EU partner countries.
Let's empower and engage youth around the world
The Youth Democracy Cohort brings together governments, civil society, and the private sector to advance good governance, youth political and civic engagement around the world.
In 4 U-Report polls run in Africa and Europe, 450,000 young people between the ages of 14 and 35 voiced their views on key topics that affect their future.
A toolkit created to enhance the impact of young people to shape EU international partnerships through effective use of foresight tools. The toolkit aims to empower young voices to influence strategies, programmes and initiatives for better futures.

Latest news

  • News announcement

The EU is demonstrating its attachment to multilateralism and engagement with young people in the framework of the Youth Action Plan in EU External Action, announcing a contribution of €1 million to the UN Youth Office established in December 2023.

  • 1 min read

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