Africa-EU Partnership - European Commission
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Africa-EU Partnership

The EU’s partnership with Africa is a key priority for the Commission. As Europe’s closest neighbour, Africa not only shares a rich history with EU countries, but also common values and interests. Through the Africa-EU partnership, we engage in political and policy dialogues, and define our cooperative relationship with Africa.

Today’s realities make this relationship all the more important. The ongoing COVID pandemic and the growing urgency of the climate crisis show how interdependent our two continents are, and why it is so important that both seize shared opportunities and tackle common challenges.

The Africa-EU Partnership is a multi-actor partnership guided by the EU and African Union (AU) Member States along with several non-state and civil society organisations, youth bodies, economic and social actors, and the private sector. The renewed partnership is grounded in an ongoing dialogue with the EU’s African partners. At the 6th EU-AU Summit in Brussels in February 2022, the partners adopted a “Joint Vision for 2030”.


Current priorities

The partnership strives to bring Africa and Europe closer together by strengthening economic cooperation and promoting sustainable development, with both continents co-existing in peace, security, democracy, prosperity, solidarity and human dignity. Against this backdrop, the two partners are determined to work together on a strategic, long-term footing to develop a shared vision for EU-Africa relations in a globalised world. The partnership focuses on actions at continental and regional level where the EU and Africa have a collective capacity to deliver.

"Africa and Europe are bound by geography and a common destiny. The EU-Africa partnership is of utmost importance to shape our future."

President Ursula von der Leyen (28 November 2022)

At the last Summit held in Brussels on 17 and 18 February 2022, a Joint Vision for 2030 was adopted, with four deliverables at its heart:

  • a Global Gateway Africa-Europe Investment Package - with EUR 150 billion worth of grants and investment supported by the EU budget;
  • a renewed and enhanced cooperation for peace and security;
  • a renewed and enhanced cooperation on migration and mobility;
  • a commitment to multilateralism within the rules-based international order, with the UN at its core.

Institutional partnership

The Africa-EU Partnership was formally established in 2000 at the first Africa-EU Summit in Cairo. It is guided by the Joint Africa-EU strategy, adopted in 2007. To tackle the challenges of the times and set political priorities, the EU and African Union have been meeting over the years in different formats.

EU-AU summits of heads of states

The summits of EU and AU heads of states and governments take place traditionally every three years, alternating between Africa and Europe. These summits provide the political guidance for further work.

The 6th EU-AU Summit was held in Brussels on 17-18 February 2022. EU and AU leaders agreed on a joint vision for a renewed partnership.

Ministerial meetings

The AU-EU ministerial meetings take place on an ad-hoc basis to exchange views, take stock of the commitments and advance cooperation in certain fields.

The 2nd meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the AU and the EU took place in Kigali, Rwanda, from 25-26 October 2021. Ministers focused on the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital and green transitions, peace, security and global governance, migration and mobility.

The 4th agricultural ministerial conference took place on 22 June 2021.


Commission-to-Commission meetings

The Commissioners of both the European Commission and the African Union Commission meet annually, alternating between the cities of Brussels and Addis Ababa. The participants monitor the progress achieved between summits and discuss how to improve the cooperation between the two institutions.

The 11th meeting of the European Union and African Union Commissions took place on 28 November 2022 in Brussels. Both Commissions engaged on their strategic partnership and reviewed progress in the implementation of the joint commitments.

11th Commission-to-Commission meeting between the European Union and the African Union

Inter-parliamentary meetings

The European Parliament and Pan-African Parliament (PAP) meet regularly to evaluate the strong points and shortcomings of the existing partnership. The latest Inter-Parliamentary Meeting took place on 8-9 December 2022 in Brussels.

People-centred partnership

Non-state actors, such as civil society, local authorities, youth representatives and the private sector play an active role in the Africa-EU Partnership and its decision-making process. In preparation of the institutional meetings, various stakeholder groups meet on a regular basis to bring their views and recommendations to the table. In the margins of the 6th EU-AU Summit, over 20,000 people from Europe, Africa and beyond participated in the first Africa-Europe Week and the 7th EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF). Hosted in a hybrid format in Brussels and virtually, the forum aimed to strengthen cross-continent people-to-people relations, through providing a space for youth, civil society (CSO), cultural actors and the private sector to discuss the aspects of the Africa-Europe partnerships that matter most to them.


Young people are key drivers for change and are advocating to have a more active role in global issues. Decision-making bodies on both continents are reflecting on this call, and on ways for moving towards meaningful engagement and empowerment of their young population. The Africa-Europe Week in February 2022,  produced specific youth track outcomes outlining young people’s perspectives on the partnership. The AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub lets young people further develop ideas into concrete pilot projects.


On the 8-9 July 2024, a cohort of 40 youth and civil society organisation representatives, from Africa and Europe, participated in the Youth in Action “Finance the Future” Forum on Africa-EU perspectives. The event was organised jointly by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships and the Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF). Hosted in Brussels (Belgium), the dialogue sought to strengthen the Africa-EU partnership through constructive interactions on young people’s views and objectives around the topic of sustainable finance. The declaration below brings together the recommendations that the event’s participants delivered on sustainable finance, with specific reference to geopolitics, debt and resource mobilisation.

  • 23 JULY 2024
Youth in Action Financing the Future Forum - Youth Recommendations

Civil society and local authorities

The Africa-EU Civil Society Forum is an integral part of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES). It gathers representatives of African and European Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), with the objective of bringing their views to European and African leaders on critical issues. In the framework of the Africa-Europe Week, African and European Civil Society and Local Authorities discussed both continents’ future and the key priorities, resulting in a CSO Forum outcome document and a declaration of the Africa-Europe Forum of local and regional governments.

Private Sector: EU-Africa Business Forum

The EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF) provides an unrivalled occasion for high-level dialogue and networking, bringing together African and European business leaders to discuss how to improve the business and investment climate. Among these are multinational companies, large corporations, small and medium-scale enterprises and confederations, as well multilateral and regional institutions.


Expert dialogues

Specific thematic dialogues or expert meetings make an important contribution to the partnership and include: the AU-EU Human Rights Dialogue,; the High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI); the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP); and the Africa-EU Reference Group on Infrastructure (RGI).

Africa-Europe Foundation

In December 2020, a new platform was created to enable stakeholders from both continents to exchange ideas, best practices and make recommendations on major challenges affecting both Africa and Europe. These Africa-Europe Foundation Strategy Groups in the areas of health, digital, agriculture and sustainable food systems, sustainable energy and transport and connectivity play “a think tank and advisory role for all those committed to taking Africa-Europe relations to the next level”. They bring together the expertise and skills of academics, think tanks, civil society, and the public and private sector.

The groups operate in coordination with the newly established Africa-Europe Foundation led by the Friends of Europe think-tank and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, in partnership with ONE and the South Africa Climate Foundation. The initiative builds on the four sectoral taskforces on digital, transport and connectivity, rural Africa and energy, created in 2018 under the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs.

Complementarity with other cooperation frameworks

The Africa-EU Partnership, with its continental approach, is an instrument of political dialogue and cooperation, overarching and complementing existing development relationship frameworks between EU and African countries.

The Africa-EU Partnership focuses primarily on cooperation at a continental level and specifically the relationship between the European and African Unions. As such, it complements the EU's existing frameworks of cooperation with sub-Saharan Africa and with the EU Neighbourhood at bilateral and regional levels.

Other existing frameworks go beyond the African continent, such as the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement – also known as the Cotonou Agreement concluded in 2000, which involves African countries, as well as the Pacific and Caribbean (ACP) Group of States.

On 3 December 2020, the EU and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) reached a political deal on a new agreement that succeeds the Cotonou Partnership Agreement. Marking the end of the negotiations, the ‘post-Cotonou’ agreement was initialled on 15 April 2021.