Employment and decent work are at the core of sustainable growth. Investing in people goes hand in hand with economic growth and investment.
Investment allows a country’s private sector to boost its development and competitiveness, which in turn creates jobs and deepens trade integration.
At the same time, the economy needs to take into account the green transition and the efforts to be made for countering climate change. It needs to foster responsible consumption and production and promote sustainable lifestyles.
We implement programmes around the world wherever assistance is needed. We tailor our support to fit the region or country being helped. Programmes with a global reach allow the EU to provide similar support to countries facing similar problems.

The DeSIRA initiative aims to contribute to climate-relevant, productive and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in low and middle-income countries.

Latest news

The European Union and the five Central Asia countries further deepened their mutual-beneficial partnership, mobilising investments under the EU’s Global Gateway strategy in the areas of digital connectivity, transport, critical raw materials, and the water, energy and climate sector.

As the 16th Conference of Parties on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) is taking place from October 21st to November 1st in Cali, Colombia, the European Union (EU) reaffirms its commitment to halting and reversing biodiversity loss worldwide by 2030.

Today in the framework of the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings, Commissioner Urpilainen reaffirmed Europe's commitment to fostering sustainable development across the globe through her participation in the WBG/IMF Development Committee as well as with a series of landmark agreements.