Global Gateway strategy
Global Gateway is the new European strategy to boost smart, clean and secure links in digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world.
The European Commission champions multilateralism and a rules-based global order through a more active role and stronger voice for the EU in the world.
EU International Partnerships focuses on these policy areas:
Climate, environment and energy
As a global leader, the EU leads international efforts to address environmental challenges and to promote the implementation of ambitious environment, climate and energy policies across the world.
Digital and infrastructure
With the EU Digital Strategy and new digital partnerships, the EU strives to foster a human-centric vision for the digital economy and society across the globe.
Gender equality
Gender equality is one of the EU’s core values. Women and girls are key agents of development and change. Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is vital to building fair, inclusive, prosperous and peaceful societies everywhere.
Human development
Health, education and a decent standard of living are the key elements to ensure human development. The EU works with partners countries to support health systems and infrastructures, education policies, social protection and to reduce inequalities.
Migration and forced displacement
Our aim is to ensure migration is safe, orderly, and regular. We protect migrants and refugees from dangerous and exploitative forms of migration.
Peace and governance
The EU promotes and protects human rights, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. Human rights and democracy are inextricably connected.
Sustainable growth and jobs
Employment, decent work and investment are at the core of sustainable growth. Investing in people goes hand in hand with economic growth and investment. Investment allows a country’s private sector to boost its development and competitiveness, which in turn creates jobs and deepens trade integration.
Young people are key drivers of positive change, and essential partners to advance sustainable and inclusive development. Nearly all policy decisions have an impact on youth, and youth participation is central to the EU’s values and policies.
Development policies framework

European development policy fosters sustainable development and stability in developing countries, with the ultimate goal of eradicating extreme poverty. Development assistance is one of the pillars of the EU’s external action, alongside foreign, security, and trade policies.

The SDGs were set in 2015 by the international community as part of the UN2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in a pledge to eradicate poverty, find sustainable solutions, ensure everyone’s human rights, and leave no one behind by 2030.

The European Commission’s and the European External Action Service's vision of the future Africa-EU partnership proposes to work together on five key global trends.
How we work
These initiatives identify critical priorities that constrain development in a given country or region, where a coordinated and coherent effort by ‘Team Europe’ would deliver concrete results with a transformative impact.
We tailor our support to fit the region or country being helped. Programmes with a global reach allow the EU to provide similar support to countries facing similar problems.
Monitoring and evaluation are core elements of operational and financial management. They allow corrective actions to be taken if necessary and ensure accountability towards stakeholders and the general public.
Audits of development cooperation actions financed by the EU are carried out by professional external auditors.