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International Partnerships

Final Evaluation 10th EDF TCI Hurricane Ike Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Project (2015)

The specific aim of this final evaluation is to provide the decision­makers in the Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands and the EU with an assessment of the project's results, impact and sustainability prospects. 


EvalRef 2015-F-1039, Evaluation contract C-371225, Evaluated references C-279167
Publication date
15 December 2015
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The overall objective of the project was the reduction of poverty post-Hurricane Ike, and its specific objectives were:

I). Restoring an acceptable standard of living to uninsured vulnerable citizens affected by Hurricane Ike;

II). Strengthening the resilience of affected communities in the event of future disaster events.

The activities to be carried out are the following:    

  1. Assessment and updating of TCI Building Code;  
  2. Finalisation of Architectural Designs;  
  3. Assignment of dedicated project staff;  
  4. Development, approval and use of approved objective mechanism for selection of project beneficiaries;  
  5. Tendering and Contracting for the rehabilitation of up to 150 homes to an improved strict building code;  
  6. Tendering and contracting for the construction of up to 25 new homes to an improved strict building code;  
  7. Tendering and Contracting of a Technical Assistant to assist with the overall project management;  
  8. Development and implementation of a visibility plan.


15 DECEMBER 2015
Final Evaluation 10th EDF TCI Hurricane Ike Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Project (2015)