Final Evaluation of the "Support the Platform for Policy Dialogue and Cooperation between EU and China on Emission Trading“ project (2021) - European Commission Skip to main content
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Final Evaluation of the "Support the Platform for Policy Dialogue and Cooperation between EU and China on Emission Trading“ project (2021)

The EU Delegation (EUD) in China launched this final evaluation of the project “Platform for Policy Dialogue and Cooperation between EU and China on Emission Trading" (also called EUChina Emission Trading System [ETS] project or programme). 


EvalRef 2020-F-2626, Evaluation contract C-422303, Evaluated references C-388420
Publication date
10 June 2021
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The evaluation team assessed the project performance by using the standard five OECD DAC evaluation criteria, i.e. (1) relevance, (2) efficiency, (3) effectiveness, (4) impact, and (5) sustainability, and two EU specific evaluation criteria, i.e. (6) EU value added, and (7) coherence of the Action in the evaluation process.

The Terms of Reference also required the evaluation team to consider relevant cross-cutting issues (particularly gender equality and social inclusivity, the rights-based approach and the Leave-No-OneBehind principle).

The evaluated Action has a budget of about EUR 10 million, it started in October 2017 until June 2021. It is the follow-up of the programme from 2013-2017 supporting emission trading in China, which was funded by the European Commission (EC) Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DG DEVCO). The initial political counterpart of the current project in China was the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

In 2018, the Chinese government was restructured and climate change-related policies were transferred to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE).


  • 10 JUNE 2021
Final Evaluation of the "Support the Platform for Policy Dialogue and Cooperation between EU and China on Emission Trading“ project (2021)