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International Partnerships

Independent evaluation of EU budget support in Cambodia (2011-2016)

This country evaluation provides evidence on the contribution of two budget support operations aimed at strengthening the education sector in Cambodia over the period 2011-2016.


Publication date
1 June 2018
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The evaluation offers and independent assessment of  the Education Sector Policy Support Programme and the Education Sector Reform Partnership, as promoted by the EU in Cambodia respectively in 2011-2013 and 2014-2016. This report presents an assessment of the relevance of Budget Support to improve the governance of education financing and of the impact of this support in internal efficiency, gender parity, quality in and equitable access to education.

Read the evaluation report (Volume 1 - Main report)

Evaluation of EU Budget Support to Cambodia (2011-2016)


28 APRIL 2020
Evaluation of EU Budget Support to Cambodia (2011-2016) - Summary
1 JUNE 2019
Evaluation of EU Budget Support to Cambodia (2011-2016) - Main Report Vol.2 - Annexes
1 JUNE 2019
Evaluation of EU Budget Support to Cambodia (2011-2016) - Response of the services