Aruba - European Commission Skip to main content
International Partnerships


Aruba is a Dutch Overseas Country and Territory (OCT) and one of the three constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Caribbean region together with Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Aruba is an island with a population of 107 504 (2022). About 87% of the Aruban gross national product is earned through tourism and related activities.

Our priorities

The current framework of EU cooperation with Aruba is set in the Decision on the Overseas Association including Greenland (DOAG) of 2021, which aims to support the government in its efforts to promote sustainable development.

For the 2021-2027 period, the priority in on the digital sector (EUR 14.2 million), with a focus on improving the resilience and governance of the island through digitalisation via the E-Government roadmap. Since 2018, the E-government agenda is a major policy priority for Aruba.

Digital accessibility of government services is aligned to the DOAG’s goals and objectives and is one of the top priorities of the EU, linked to the EU strategy shaping Europe’s digital future. Developing digital networks and infrastructures is aligned to the objectives of the Green Deal on achieving climate-neutrality and enhancing circular economy as well as to the Global Gateway investment priority on digital, making the EU an exclusive partner of Aruba.

Our impact

The EU contributed to the new science faculty at the University of Aruba through SISSTEM: Sustainable Island Solutions through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It provides students with three important new learning opportunities:

  • a Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) bachelor programme,
  • a master programme in ‘sustainability’,
  • and a PhD research and innovation programmes.

The partnership with one of the best universities of Europe, the Catholic University of Leuven, is also hugely beneficial. This is enabling Aruba to play an increased role not only nationally, but also regionally, serving as a beacon of science throughout the Caribbean region and beyond, and attracting foreign students.

Our programmes

Cooperation with Aruba is channelled mainly through territorial cooperation programmes (which focused on higher education in the previous programming period, and on digitalisation for 2021-27).

In addition, Aruba benefits from regional cooperation through the Caribbean regional programme, RESEMBID (EUR 42.67 million) on resilience, sustainable energy and marine biodiversity and from the 2021-2027 Caribbean regional programme (EUR 21 million) on the sustainable management of Caribbean OCT’s natural capital. For the period 2021-2027 the regional Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Caribbean OCTs, adopted in November 2022, focuses on strategic themes of intervention of biodiversity, water management and food security. Caribbean OCTs can also participate in the Caribbean INTERREG programme for 2021-2027.

Aruba benefits from the Green Overseas-GO thematic programme (EUR 17.8 million) on sustainable energy and enhanced resilience to climate change, which consists of technical assistance, studies, pilot projects and trainings for beneficiaries individually and in thematic clusters.

Aruba is eligible for the DOAG’s dedicated intra-regional envelop for all OCTs and for the period 2021-2027 (EUR 15 million). Intraregional cooperation is a vital aspect of the EU's approach to OCTs, promoting closer ties and collaboration notably with neighbouring countries, outermost regions, and regional organisations through pilot actions. 

OCTs, including Aruba, can also take part in other EU funding programmes, such as TAIEX/Twinning, InvestEU, LIFE, Horizon Europe, and Erasmus+. Along with other Dutch OCTs, Aruba has become increasingly successful in Erasmus+ with an increased number of projects (33 projects during the period 2014-2020). OCTs can also benefit from the thematic part and rapid response actions of the NDICI as well from the Humanitarian Aid Instrument.

Finally, youth from Aruba are participating in the OCT-Youth Network which aims to increase the ties between young people living in OCTs and the European Union and enhance the knowledge and involvement of young people in EU-OCT partnership.


  • 8 MARCH 2022
Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Aruba
  • 21 NOVEMBER 2022
Regional multiannual indicative programme 2021-2027 for Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories
  • 29 NOVEMBER 2024
Multiannual action plan 2024-2025 for the seven Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories