Niger - European Commission
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International Partnerships



Niger is a landlocked country in West Africa facing many challenges, both in terms of development and in terms of security and humanitarian matters.

Despite progress in terms of economic growth and social development in recent years, the stability of the country remains fragile due to developments in its Sahelian neighbourhood, leading to cross-border violence and terrorist activity in some specific regions. Niger also remains extremely vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, illustrated by the food security situation which is structurally fragile due to poor harvests linked to droughts and recurrent floods and because of the precarious conditions that large segments of the Nigerien society live in.

Ousseina, Malian weaver who found refuge in Niger

Our flagship initiatives

Europe has a strategic interest in Niger’s multifactorial stability that depends on the security situation, socio-economic governance, poverty reduction, and a positive and inclusive democratic dynamic.

The EU including its Member States, is the main donor of official development assistance in Niger. Its action, in line with the revised EU Sahel Strategy, aims to strengthen State capacities, enhance security, stability and migration management, while promoting long-term sustainable and inclusive development, with a special focus on fragile and transit areas. 7 member states are present in Niger ( FR, DE, BE, ES, IT, LU, NL), contributing to two Team Europe Initiatives (TEI):

  • "governance, peace, rights", aimed at stabilizing fragile areas affected by insecurity (with a focus on the tri-border region) through an integrated approach; and
  • "Niger future generations", aimed at modernizing and developing the economy in an ecologically sustainable way to give prospects and hope to younger generations.

Global Gateway

In 2023, the EU was able to develop an energy flagship, emblematic of the Global Gateway strategy’s implementation in Niger. This is a coherent, integrated package encompassing a chain of complementary interventions aimed at producing (hybrid and solar power plants) then transmitting and distributing (grid extension) energy, with a transformational impact on the population, in a Team Europe approach.

The EU Delegation in Niger also contributes to the continental Flagship of the Great Green Wall through several project on soils restoration.

Our broader cooperation

Building on the experience and priorities of the previous programming cycle, a new Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for the period 2021-2027 has been adopted in 2021, with an initial allocation of €503 million for the period 2021-2024. This amount is being allocated through programmes focusing on 3 priority areas :

  • Governance - by improving the effectiveness and accountability of the democratic framework and the implementation of public policies, including the management of migration, and forced displacement. It also promotes the strengthening of peace and the return of security in the most fragile territories. Improved anticipation and management of crises and climatic/food shocks are also part of the agenda.
    Strengthening governance is essential for the management of affairs and public resources, and a fundamental axis, both for the response to crises and shocks and for long-term development. First and foremost, it is a matter of consolidating democracy and inclusive governance, to strengthen social and political cohesion after elections. In accordance with EU regulations, this passes through the strengthening of national institutions and the effectiveness of public administration action, but above all by the accountability of the State.
  • Education and vocational training - by strengthening the governance of the Nigerien education system, primary and secondary, while providing effective and efficient technical and vocational education and training meeting the needs of the country's economy, especially for youth and women. This priority area, which is in line with the Global Gateway strategy, will make a decisive contribution to the development of human capital, but also to key transformative cross-cutting dimensions. Our actions in favour of governance and an inclusive and green economy cannot bear fruit without the construction of a fair and effective education system.
  • Growth and the green economy - in the frame of the Global Gateway Strategy, by increasing the creation, expansion, and diversification of formal enterprises and decent jobs, develops bankable, sustainable agro-pastoral value chains, providers of employment, and contributes to the food and nutritional balance of local populations while supporting investment in Niger around respectful urban productive poles of the environment.
    Stabilizing Niger over time will necessarily involve the country’s economic development. The insufficient diversification and mainly informal nature of Niger’s economic structure makes it vulnerable to shocks and is currently unable to generate jobs and the taxable base that the country needs long term. Most importantly, the economy is unable to allow the population to provide for their basic needs in terms of employment and services.

Support measures

The EU's continued engagement with civil society in Niger focuses on the legitimacy of CSOs, the effectiveness of their work, and the opportunities for establishing a viable dialogue with the government.

The EU implements this partnership with Niger through its wide and unique mix of instruments: political dialogue, grants, loans, guarantees, technical assistance, private sector etc. Budget support is worth €195 million, via a state-building resilience contract.


  • 8 MARCH 2022
Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Niger - annex (French)
  • 31 OCTOBER 2024
Decision amending the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Sub-Saharan Africa following the 2024 mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming
  • 31 MARCH 2023
Annual action plan 2023 for Niger - part 1 (French)
  • 12 DECEMBER 2022
Annual action plan 2022 for Niger (French)
  • 16 DECEMBER 2021
Annual action plan 2021 for Niger (French)
  • 19 JUNE 2014
Programming documents 2014-2020 for Niger