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International Partnerships



Seychelles, in the Western Indian Ocean, has a population of around 130 000 inhabitants spread over 115 islands, and one of the highest living standards in Africa. It is classified as a high-income country. 

Tourism and related sectors are the mainstays of economic activity, along with tuna fishing and processing. However, the country continues to face a number of constraints typical of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), including domestic vulnerability to external shocks, as well as human resources constraints (mismatch between demand and supply). The impact of the islands’ small population and high brain drain are some of the main challenges.

Our partnership

The EU partnership with Seychelles is on shared values such as respect for democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and a strong commitment to promoting a rules-based global order. It builds on priorities reflected in the Seychelles' sustainable development goals as well as the EU’s Global Gateway strategy

France, the EU Member State present in Seychelles, plays a key role in facilitating collaboration. As part of Team Europe, the EU and France work towards strengthening Seychelles' institutional capacities, tackling climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, while fostering the circular economy. Our efforts also emphasize the promotion of fundamental labour standards, including preventing all forms of child labour, and the inclusion of gender and youth perspectives to ensure an equitable green transition.  

The EU has allocated €2 million in funding towards the partnership in 2021-2027. 

EU-Seychelles partnership programming documents can be found in the ‘Related documents’ section below. 

Our key initiatives

Oceans and fisheries

Seychelles is a key partner of the EU in the development of the EU Indo-Pacific strategy. Building on this strategic partnership, the EU partners with Seychelles to improve fisheries as well as maritime infrastructure and port security. Initiatives include:  

  • Rehabilitating Port Victoria, extending the port yard area, and dredging to boost infrastructure for trade and maritime safety. 
  • Developing port security legislation, promoting compliance frameworks, and supporting the implementation of a regional information sharing mechanism, along with a cargo and passenger data exchange system.   
  • Strengthening judicial capacities to combat crimes and offences committed at sea, including illegal drug trafficking, and to foster intra-national, inter-agency and inter-regional cooperation for maritime security. 
  • Supporting international and regional fisheries agreements and mechanisms, including the development, implementation and enforcement of policy approaches in the blue economy and the fight against IUU fishing.  
Climate and agriculture

Reflecting their mutual commitment to sustainability, the EU and Seychelles are collaborating to strengthen climate resilience and build a climate smart agriculture. Efforts focus on: 

  • Reducing disaster-related losses by improving institutional and operational preparedness and response capacities, and by developing national policies and frameworks to manage disaster risks and address climate change impacts. 
  • Building regional resilience by strengthening meteorological, hydrological and climate services, and supporting coordinated responses to climate displacement. 
  • Advancing climate-resilient agricultural practices through innovative transformation projects and supporting agroecology, seed systems, and nutrition programmes for improved food systems. 
Trade, economic integration and governance

The EU and Seychelles are also working together to enhance trade and governance frameworks. Key actions include: 

  • Streamlining business and investment regulations to support trade, entrepreneurship, and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). 
  • Improving macroeconomic, financial, and fiscal policy frameworks through regional cooperation and institutional harmonisation. 
  • Combating illicit financial flows, money laundering, and terrorism financing while empowering civil society to strengthen accountability. 
  • Supporting the Indian Ocean Commission’s (IOC) to strengthen governance and modernising financial management to enhance regional coordination. 

The EU and Seychelles collaborate to further improve access to innovative and life-saving reproductive health commodities. Fighting harmful practices and enhancing accountability in health service delivery are key actions. 

Education, culture and youth

To enhance education and youth opportunities, Seychelles contribute in EU and African programmes such as: 

  • ERASMUS+ to support the mobility of university students and staff, build skills and promote employability, and support to the implementation of the African continental Qualifications Framework. 
  • VET programmes and peer learnings to improve teacher training. 
  • Africa-Europe Cultural Cooperation and Promotion of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity.  
  • 8 MARCH 2022
Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Seychelles – annex
  • 31 OCTOBER 2024
Decision amending the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Sub-Saharan Africa following the 2024 mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming
  • 13 DECEMBER 2024
Addendum 2024 to the support measure 2023 for Seychelles
  • 9 OCTOBER 2023
Support measure 2023 for Seychelles
  • 8 MARCH 2022
NIP Seychelles 2014-2020