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International Partnerships

Working with partner organisations

The Commission may delegate the implementation of EU-funded projects to partner organisations (so-called ‘indirect management’). In this set-up, partner organisations are fully in charge of the implementation of the project on the ground. However, the Commission remains accountable to the Parliament and Council for the proper use of the funds.

Contractual arrangements

The Commission may decide to sign, with partner organisations, Financial Framework Partnership Agreements (‘FFPAs’) as a means to facilitate the achievement of the EU's objectives by stabilising the contractual terms of a long-term cooperation. FFPAs specify, among others, the forms of financial cooperation and the extent to which the Commission may rely on the systems and procedures of the relevant Partner organisation.

Individual projects to be implemented by Partner organisations are subject to the conclusion of so-called Contribution Agreements, which contain, among others, the description and planning of the activities, the budget and the contractual provisions (including any arrangements concluded through FFPAs) applicable to the EU-funded project.

5 JULY 2023
Contribution Agreement - Manual
12 OCTOBER 2023
Contribution Agreement - Special Conditions - Light Contract Management (LCM)
12 OCTOBER 2023
Contribution Agreement - Special Conditions - non Light Contract Management (non LCM)
12 OCTOBER 2023
Annex II - General Conditions for Contribution Agreements - Light Contract Management (LCM)
5 JULY 2023
Annex II - General Conditions for Contribution Agreements - non Light Contract Management (non LCM)
5 JULY 2023
Annex IIa - Contribution Agreement - Provisions applicable only to Multi-Party Agreements
5 JULY 2023
Annex IIb - Contribution Agreement-Provisions applicable only to a CA resulting from a call for proposals for EU External Action
8 MARCH 2022
Annex IV - Contribution Agreement - Financial Identification Form
8 MARCH 2022
Annex V - Contribution Agreement - Request for Payment
7 JULY 2023
Annex VI - Contribution Agreement - Management Declaration
8 MARCH 2022
Privacy statement - indirect management