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International Partnerships
20th OCTs-EU Forum Brussels - 26-29 February, 2024
20th OCTs-EU Forum

Brussels - 26-29 February, 2024

The OCTs-EU Forum for dialogue meets annually to bring together authorities from Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), representatives of the Member States and the European Commission, Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the EIB and representatives of the Outermost Regions.


  • 26-27 February: Trilateral meetings kick off the event, bringing together OCTs, their Member States and the European Commission
  • 27 February: A thematic workshop on regional partnerships and integration follows in the afternoon
  • 28 February: The OCTA Ministerial Conference takes place within the margins of the Forum
  • 29 February: The main highlight of the week, the 20th OCTs-EU Forum, concludes the event at the Berlaymont building

See the full draft agenda below. 

Practical information

Interpretation is provided in French and English during the whole event, except during the trilateral meetings. 

Please see other practical information on accommodation, the venue and transport in the document below. 

Global Gateway

Around the world, problems of poor infrastructure, environmental damage and lack of access to healthcare and education do not respect international borders. In recognition of this, the EU’s Global Gateway strategy connects countries and regions around the world, by encouraging public and private investment in a global network of transportation and supply chains, green energy, modern telecommunications, education and research. And all with an emphasis on sustainable development and European values, such as good governance, transparency and equal partnership.

The OCTs-EU partnership fits well into the framework of the Global Gateway strategy and supports its priorities by promoting win-win regional partnership initiatives between OCT’s, Outermost Regions and partner countries outside the EU. Effective policy coordination, inclusive dialogue with all relevant stakeholders, and synergies between relevant EU initiatives, programmes and instruments are preconditions for successful implementation and are key to creating transformative impact.

Youth engagement

The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) Youth Network is an initiative launched by the European Commission in 2022. It offers 25 young people an exciting opportunity to embark on a one-year learning path - discovering the OCTs-EU Partnership and the functioning of the European institutions, and networking with like-minded young people from other OCTs.

Six representatives of the network will be present at the OCTs-EU Forum. They will present a video showcasing the intangible cultural heritage of the OCTs, the OCTs-Youth Network Declaration, and a photo exhibition on cultural diversity in the OCTs: ‘Cultural Mosaic’.

Related documents

19 FEBRUARY 2024
OCTs-EU Forum 2024 - Agenda
19 FEBRUARY 2024
OCTs-EU Forum 2024 - Logistical information
29 FEBRUARY 2024
Web release OCTs-EU Forum 29/02/2024