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International Partnerships
  • Conferences and summits

InfoPoint conference: Local Private Sector and Nutrition for Women and Children

Combining social and economic impact towards sustainability

Dietary changes are affecting the entire world population. With the increase in consumption of processed products, the private sector is playing a growing role in the field of nutrition. In developing countries, the nutritional challenge is all the greater when combined with massive problems of under and chronic malnutrition. In these contexts, more than elsewhere, quality health care and adequate food in the first 1000 days is critical. In this Infopoint, after reviewing the basic principles of the fight against malnutrition, the European Commission and GRET propose to explore the market opportunities represented by nutritional products, and to understand the obstacles to investment in the countries most affected by malnutrition, where the private sector in general faces many challenges.

Representatives of local companies such as Nutri’zaza and Le Lionceau will be sharing their business models, which are based on creating decent jobs, developing economically viable distribution networks and market safe nutritious and affordable products that appeal to as many people as possible. Lastly, EU representatives will present how best to support this type of initiative and upcoming opportunities to develop value chains related to the nutritional products and share ideas for building pilot Global Gateway projects in the field of nutrition.

  • the EU's international role | international cooperation
  • Thursday 20 June 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)
  • Brussels, Belgium

Practical information

Thursday 20 June 2024, 11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)
Brussels, Belgium
English, French
International Partnerships InfoPoint
