International Partnerships Eurobarometer: peace and security top the list of perceived challenges - European Commission
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International Partnerships
  • News announcement
  • 21 September 2023
  • Brussels
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships
  • 1 min read

International Partnerships Eurobarometer: peace and security top the list of perceived challenges

People holding EU flags

According to the latest Eurobarometer survey on international partnerships, EU citizens identify “peace and security” as the most pressing challenge facing partner countries. When asked to pick up to three options from a list, 40% chose “peace and security”.

Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen commented: “The European Union is a peace project, and our citizens clearly see peace and security as a priority in our engagement with international partners. Key to delivering this is the Global Gateway strategy, through which we support favourable conditions for long-term stability and security in our partner countries, working together in line with our shared values to sustainably boost development in their strategic sectors.”

Strong support for engaging with partner countries

Support for working with partner countries around the world remains strong, with 75% of EU citizens saying it is important for the European Union to invest in partner countries outside the EU. Cooperation with partner countries remains one of the most positively perceived EU policies, clearly demonstrating Europe's solidarity with partners around the world.

This strong support is directly reflected in EU action on the world stage. The EU and its Member States are collectively the world’s leading donor, having provided €92.8 billion or 43% of all Official Development Assistance in 2022 according to preliminary figures by OECD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Africa as a priority region for investment

Investing in Africa is considered a main EU priority by 62% of respondents, while 55% of Europeans also see it as a priority for the EU to invest in partner countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Asia and the Pacific.

The greater geographic focus on Africa is in line with current EU policy and funding priorities. Through the €150 billion EU–Africa Global Gateway Investment Package, the EU supports a strong, inclusive, green and digital transformation in Africa. This includes working with like-minded partner countries to for example increase Africa’s renewable energy generation capacity to 300 GW, accelerate universal access to reliable internet, integrate the African and European multimodal transport networks, and accelerate the sustainable transformation of African food systems.

For More Information

International Partnerships Eurobarometer report  

Global Gateway


Publication date
21 September 2023
Directorate-General for International Partnerships