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International Partnerships

EU training to strengthening capacities to deliver decent work through EU cooperation in Asia

A dedicated training was organised in Bangkok, Thailand, on 'Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work within the existing EU operations'. The training was developed by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, Sector on Employment and Social Inclusion in collaboration with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (ITC ILO) and the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. EU officials from across Asia and the Pacific attended.

The Asia and Pacific region has some of the highest growth rates in the world, with over one billion people in the region having emerged from extreme poverty since 1990. It is a region undergoing rapid transformation, and technology is affecting the future of work in profound ways across multiple sectors and is reshaping the industrial structure and labour market. The translation of economic growth into better working and social conditions remains a major challenge, with informality, low wages, job insecurity, low education and skills, unequal opportunities, lack of social protection and poor public health systems are some of the obstacles

Given this context, the training came at a timely moment, for the region and for the EU. It is part of a wider EU project to strengthen capacities to promote inclusive and decent employment and enhance the EU’s ability to deliver more and better interventions on employment, decent work and international labour standards. As a result of the training, EU staff that attended are better equipped to develop projects and carry out policy dialogue related to employment.

For more information and material please contact get in touch with us here: EuropeAid-INCLUSIVE-DEVELOPMENT-NEWSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EuropeAid-INCLUSIVE-DEVELOPMENT-NEWS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

Employment as a comprehensive, multi/sectorial priority
Employment as a comprehensive, multi/sectorial priority