Africa-Europe Green Energy - European Commission
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Africa-Europe Green Energy

The Africa-Europe Green Energy Initiative aims to engage European and African public and private sector actors to increase electricity production and access to energy, promote energy efficiency, support reforms for a conducive regulatory environment for private investment, and foster market integration. This Team Europe Initiative is the energy component of the Global Gateway in Africa, bringing together the EU, its Member States, European financial and development institutions and the private sector, as well as the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

In 2023 the West African Power Pool coordination centre inaugurated in Benin; EIB agreements signed with Burundi, Cabo Verde and Djibouti; studies launched on the Ruzizi III regional hydropower plant in DRC-Rwanda-Burundi; completion of feasibility study on the ‘GREGY’ project – an electricity interconnection cable linking Egypt to Greece; solar plant inaugurated in Ivory Coast; agreement for contribution to rural electrification in Madagascar with AFD; call for proposals hydrogen power plant in Morocco; launch of tender process for construction of a National Control Centre for Energy Infrastructure in Mozambique; EIB signature for the construction of a solar power plant in Namibia; inauguration of the Gorou-Banda solar plant in Niger; agreement with AFD for Kakono Hydropower Plant in Tanzania; agreement with government of Zambia for the rehabilitation of Kariba Dam; in Nigeria, a financing agreement will be signed for the generation of renewable energy projects and the Youth in Agribusiness programme will be launched.

 As part of the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative, preparations are underway for building a Power-to-X (P2X) hydrogen power reference plant (Pubic Private Partnership, PPP), in an effort to strengthen Morocco’s position in this promising sector. As a first step, a call for proposals is being prepared. The project is fully in line with European and German hydrogen strategies and will be facilitated through the German involvement. Volume of the project is grant of up to USD 110 million (EUR 100 million) in order to de-risk and facilitate the PPP approach, helping to attract private investment and to create a green hydrogen economy in Morocco.