The Digital Energy Facility (DEF) - European Commission Skip to main content
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The Digital Energy Facility (DEF)

Electricity network in Vietnam
Collectif Argos / Laurent Weyl

The Digital Energy Facility is an EU-funded programme, implemented by the Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency).

The energy sector faces a major transformation from a centralised system to a decentralised network, mono-directional to multi-directional, carbon-based to decarbonised, infrastructure centered to consumer-centric network.

Digitalisation is crucial in this new flexible and decentralised energy network as it helps in managing the energy demand, improving grid planning and implementing new business models - such as mini-grids and other off-grid solutions, which contribute to an increased access to energy.

Thanks to the financing of digital innovation projects and products, the Digital Energy Facility aims to:

  • Support the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources into the grid
  • Increase energy access
  • Improve the performance of utilities and reduce technical and commercial losses
Digital Energy Facility - Why do we need it

Digital Energy Facility Objectives

The Digital Energy Facility has 3 main objectives:

  1. Support innovative solutions for energy access in collaboration with the private sector, including start-ups and digital ecosystems active on energy access;
  2. Support power utilities to develop comprehensive roadmaps and investment plans to improve their performance, by integrating smart grids and new digital solutions in their operations;
  3. Support partnerships between utilities and the private sector to promote innovative solutions, harmonise technology use and share know-how. It is the first programme ever to support synergies between the digitalisation of utilities and innovative solutions developed by startups.
Electricity network in Vietnam
Collectif Argos / Laurent Weyl

Expected results

The expected results include:

  • 1 million people benefitting from secured electricity access;
  • 50 companies (both public and private) supported thanks to seed capital and capacity building;
  • 2 to 5 energy utilities implement performance improvement plans;
  • 50 to 150 energy professionals trained;
  • 100MW of additional capacity from renewable energy sources;
  • 100 000 million tons of CO2eq avoided.

DEF’s 4 components and eligibility criteria

The programme will finance technical assistance and pilot investments to support the development of innovative solutions for energy access and utility performance improvement.

The programme has 4 components:

Digital Energy Facility components

Funding instrument

DCI Contribution Agreement and PAGODA for Financial Instrument

Implementing organisations

Agence Française de Développement

  • 8 MARCH 2022
Brochure Digital Energy Facility December 2019 - Support the digitalisation and modernisation of the energy sector