Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa (MPRR-SSA) - European Commission
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Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa (MPRR-SSA)

MPRR Beneficiary

The Migrant Protection, Return, and Reintegration Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa (MPRR-SSA) addresses critical challenges related to migration and mobility between the EU and Africa, as well as within the African continent. It focuses on the urgent plight of migrants stranded in dangerous conditions along the Atlantic/Western Mediterranean and Central Mediterranean migratory routes. These migrants are exposed to significant protection risks along migration routes, including violence, exploitation, and abuse by smugglers, traffickers, and others. While many do not qualify for refugee status or other forms of international protection, they remain in highly vulnerable situations.

These individuals require urgent protection and assistance in transit areas within Sub-Saharan Africa, from where voluntary returns are facilitated. For instance, search and rescue operations are organised in the Niger desert to address the acute needs of stranded migrants.

Upon returning to their home countries and communities, migrants often find themselves in a vulnerable state, struggling to reintegrate into their former lives. Many returnees face the same or even worse conditions that originally compelled them to migrate. Additionally, they frequently grapple with the psychosocial consequences of their traumatic experiences during the journey. Stigmatisation by their communities is another common challenge faced by returnees in Sub-Saharan Africa. To address these issues, the MPRR-SSA provides support for the sustainable reintegration of migrants into their countries of origin.

The programme is implemented through a rights-based and comprehensive approach, prioritising the rights of migrants and ensuring that partner countries have ownership of the process.


The programme is structured around two key components:

  1. The provision of a comprehensive gender-responsive, rights-based and disability-inclusive protection and other essential support for migrants stranded in relevant Sub-Saharan transit countries in the Atlantic/Western and Central Mediterranean routes. The support provided includes search and rescue operations, protection services, and the facilitation of assisted voluntary return to safer areas in their countries of origin, where they can access basic services. Additional support includes pre-departure services such as hospitality, medical and psychological assistance, and help with travel documentation. Upon arrival, migrants also receive short-term post-arrival assistance to aid their initial reintegration.
  2. The provision of an individual reintegration assistance in countries of origin in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the aim to support psychosocial, social and economic sustainable reintegration whilst ensuring a gender- and age-sensitive approach. This component also covers reintegration support for Sub-Saharan returnees from North African countries.


As of May 2024, the MPRR-SSA has facilitated the voluntary return of 23,589 migrants from Sub-Saharan countries. Additionally, the programme has provided post-arrival assistance to 47,768 migrants in SSA countries and supported 36,636 migrants with reintegration efforts in their countries of origin.

Background information

The EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration, launched in December 2016 with funding from the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), was the first comprehensive programme to save lives, protect and assist migrants along key migration routes in Africa and it provided opportunities for the voluntary return and reintegration for migrants stranded in the country. It was replaced in 2022 by the MPRR. 

The protection of stranded and vulnerable migrants and the enhancement of assisted voluntary returns and sustainable reintegration are key aspects of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum from 2020. These priorities have also been reaffirmed by the EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration (2021) and by European and African leaders at the EU-AU Summit in February 2022.

Adopted on April 27, 2021, the EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration promotes voluntary return and reintegration as essential components of a unified EU return system. The strategy outlines practical measures to strengthen the legal and operational frameworks for voluntary returns from both Europe and transit countries. It aims to enhance the quality of return and reintegration programmes, create stronger connections with development initiatives, and bolster cooperation with partner countries.

Implementing partner: International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Funding instrument: NDICI-Global Europe

  • 22 AUGUST 2024
Action Document 2022 for “the Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa”
  • 22 AUGUST 2024
Action Document 2024 for "Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa" (MPRR) Phase 2
  • 16 DECEMBER 2024
Addendum to Action Document 2024 for "Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa" (MPRR) Phase 2