DeSIRA aims to put more science into development considering that the solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are context specific. It contributes primarily to the achievement of SDG 1 (No poverty), SDG 2 (Zero hunger), SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 13 (Climate action) and SDG 15 (Life on land).
DeSIRA aims to support research and innovation projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and strengthen research capacities and research governance involving key actors at national, regional, continental and global levels.
Desira includes 3 pillars
Pillar 1: Innovation in agriculture
Fostering innovation in agriculture and food systems is at the core of DeSIRA. It includes a broad range of thematics valorising agroecological principles
Pillar 2: Research infrastructure conducive to innovation
The institutional architecture for governance of AR4D at global level and in some regions is well established, although still fragile. DeSIRA supports the organisations in charge of governance of research at regional, continental and global level.
Pillar 3: Knowledge and evidence to feed development policies
EU scientific expertise is mobilised to support the whole of DeSIRA, to provide strategic thinking and actions regarding innovation, and to help draw lessons for better research and innovation policies.

DeSIRA is supported by key political and institutional commitments (UNFCC CoP 21, One planet summit 2017, Ouagadougou declaration 2018) and is designed based on key consultations (European Member States, EU Delegations, CAADP, FAO, GFAR, IFAD, BMGF). DeSIRA is fully aligned with European policy on the Green Deal.
Key information
Launch date
2017 at the One Planet Summit
2019-2025 (first phase)
EU contribution
€335 000 000 (including GCCA+ contribution)
Funding instruments
Number of projects
Implementing organisations
European research organisations, international research organisations, regional and national research organisations, development agencies of Member States