DEAR: Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme - European Commission
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DEAR: Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme

The DEAR Programme supports projects that engage Europeans in global issues related to social, economic and environmental development

What the DEAR Programme does

The EU Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) Programme supports projects that engage Europeans in global issues related to social, economic and environmental development. It is unique among EU International Partnerships programmes as it works primarily with people in Europe, highlighting their interconnectedness with the rest of the world and the importance of sustainable development, both locally and globally.

The DEAR programme works with European civil society organisations (CSOs) and local authorities (LAs) to foster critical understanding of complex sustainable development issues. Though both education for sustainable development and global citizenship and awareness raising, the programme promotes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Watch the DEAR explainer video

Why we need DEAR

Current and future generations face unprecedented interconnected global challenges, be they climate change or rising inequalities. The DEAR Programme empowers people to imagine ways to address these global crises and counter fear-based thinking. It fosters active citizenship to promote justice, human rights and democracy, co-responsibility, equity, and sustainable development at local and global level.

Where we work and for who

DEAR projects are active across EU countries and countries that wish to join the EU (see map).

The programme engages young people and adults alike, via formal and nonformal education, as well as public campaigning. Grounded in a multi-stakeholder approach, it supports and consults CSOs, local authorities, scholars, youth groups, educators and activists across Europe. It offers a unique space for civil society and government institutions to work together for a fairer and more sustainable world.

DEAR Programme project, 'Walk the Global Walk'
DEAR project, 'Walk the Global Walk' © Victor Barros

How the DEAR programme works

The DEAR programme funds projects through calls for proposals every few years. A new call was launched on 7 September 2022 and the deadline for concept notes is 4 November 2022. Please find all details on the EU platform for Calls for Proposals and Tenders.   

Key information

Key partners
Civil society organisations and local authorities from EU Member States

Project budgets
€ 3 000 000 – €10 000 000

Number of countries per project
Minimum 4

Overall objective
A more inclusive society with a developed sense of co-responsibility for local and global sustainable development and challenges

Ad ad from Eat4Change to promote plant-based diets

“Eat4Change” is project calling for a shift toward more sustainable diets and food production practices. The project engages European citizens, especially 15 to 35 year olds, to embrace more sustainable diets, influence peers and support engagement with corporates and policy makers.

Project campaigning in Germany

This project advocates for fair agricultural supply chains and sustainable food systems to combat global problems such as environmental degradation, flight and displacement.