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Mid-Term Review EU-EAC MARKUP Programme (2022)

The EU-EAC Market Access Upgrade Programme (MARKUP), was developed to enhance EAC's capacity to exploit its trade-driven growth potential by addressing both supply-side and market access constraints of some key export-oriented sectors.  


EvalRef 2021-M-2620, Evaluation contract C-425750, Evaluated references C-413820, C-414048, D-38545, D-40655, D-40657
Publication date
30 August 2022
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


These sectors are agro-industrial crops (coffee, tea and cacao) and horticulture; and supporting participation in regional and global value chains – with a particular focus on exports to the EU.  

The programme is structured around two intervention levels:

  • The EAC Window supports EAC efforts to improve the regional trade and business enabling environment for the selected commodities, through enhanced capacity to advocate for the removal of sector trade barriers and improved sector standards and sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) measures harmonisation. It also supports the private sector in enhancing its export competitiveness, by increasing awareness and compliance with destination market requirements as well as with improved access to finance and business development opportunities (including reinforcement of business support organisations' capacities).  
  • The Partner States’ Window includes national interventions tailored to the countries' specific requirements, complementing the EAC Window where any single country needs it most. Interventions focus on one or more areas, among them, reduction of trade barriers and quality assurance, enhancement of SME export competitiveness and business promotion. 

MARKUP has been operationalised through four Financing Agreements (FA):

  • “EU-EAC MARKUP” RSO/FED 2017/038545
  • “MARKUP Tanzania Component” FA 2017/40655
  • Rwanda’s “Sector Reform Contract to enhance the agriculture sector's sustainable use of land and water resources, value creation and contribution to nutrition security”, FA 2016/37486
  • “MARKUP Uganda Component”, FA 2017/40657 

For implementation, and in consonance with the provisions of the RIP, these four FAs have been split into 7 contracts. These include a variety of means for implementation such as indirect management through pillar assessed grant or delegation agreement (PAGoDA); matching grants through calls for proposals; and other types of contracting modalities.


  • 30 AUGUST 2022
Mid-Term Review EU-EAC MARKUP Programme (2022)