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International Partnerships

Evaluation of the civil society organisations and local authorities thematic programme (2014-2019)

This thematic evaluation assesses the global support provided by the EU to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs), specifically through the EU CSO-LA Thematic Programme. 


Publication date
1 September 2020
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The global evaluation provides an independent assessment of the relevance of EU cooperation with Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities in partner countries, by assessing the results achieved, their consistency with regional and national programmes, the value added of EU interventions, as well as the level of coordination, complementary and coherence of the interventions implemented in this area by the EU, its Member State and other development partners.

Read the evaluation report (Main report - volume I)

Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019)


16 DECEMBER 2020
Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - Civil society component
8 MARCH 2022
Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - DEAR component
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Evaluation of the Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities thematic programme (2014-2019) - Local authorities component
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