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International Partnerships

Final Evaluation SPEITT (IACT & PRTCBP) (2016)

The Final Evaluation assesses the performance of the intervention "Strengthening Pacific Economic Integration Through Trade", with a focus on the components IACT and PRTCBP against its objectives; draw key lessons and recommendations to improve curre


EvalRef 2016-F-541, Evaluation contract C-370642, Evaluated references C-266507, C-281830, C-331621, C-348712, D-22414
Publication date
27 January 2016
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The EU-financed Programme “Strengthening Pacific Economic Integration through Trade""(SPEITT)” is made of two different interventions / components: 

  • Increasing Agricultural Commodity Trade (IACT) - a EUR 8.5 million contribution agreement implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). 
  • Pacific Regional Tourism Capacity Building Project (PRTCBP) – a EUR 5 million grant contract implemented by the South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO). 
  • Trade Facilitation in Customs Cooperation (TFCC) – a EUR 7.5 million grant contract implemented by the Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) 
  • Pacific Integration Technical Assistance Project (PITAP) – a EUR 13.9 million contribution agreement implemented by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) 

Overall Objective: “Increase Regional Economic Integration and Cooperation in Pacific ACP countries” 

Programme Purpose: “Improve Economic Integration through Strengthened National Systems and Institutional Frameworks to Develop Trade Capacity, Increase Private Sector Competitiveness and Increase International Market Access”.


27 JANUARY 2016
Final Evaluation SPEITT (IACT & PRTCBP) (2016)