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International Partnerships

Mid-Term Evaluation of AMS in Belize (2015)

The overall scope of the MTE 2015 concerns the evaluation of the AMSP in Belize covering the period 2006-2015 (MIP 2007-2010 and MIP 2011-2013).


EvalRef 2015-M-1023, Evaluation contract C-362960, Evaluated references C-313804, D-23374
Publication date
20 August 2015
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


In order to assist sugar-exporting ACP countries to adapt to the new EU sugar regime, the European Commission (EC) established the Accompanying Measures for Sugar Protocol Countries (AMSP). Each country was invited to draw up its own National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) and submit this to the EC for financial assistance to its implementation. To assist the Government of Belize (GoB) in the implementation of the NAS, the EC Multi- Annual Assistance Strategy 2006-2013 (MAAS) was elaborated.

The total EU allocation for assistance during the period under review (2006-2013) is 72.4 million EUR. Based on the MAAS, two Multi-annual Indicative Programmes (MIPs) have been elaborated: the MIP 2007-2010 and the MIP 2011-2013.

The main objective of the EU support programme to the sugar industry of Belize is the same as that of the country’s NAS, i.e. poverty reduction and improved living standards of the rural population in Northern Belize. 

The MTE is to provide information on i) the performance of the AMSP project in Belize; ii) the adequacy of its organisational structure; iii) the adequacy of the aid modalities chosen; and iv) the performance of the contractors under the AMSP. Since this is a mid-term evaluation, focus is placed on 3 of the 5 standard OECD/DAC6 evaluation criteria: the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the three main result areas of the AMSP in Belize (Competitiveness, Diversification and Roads (infrastructure)).


20 AUGUST 2015
Mid-Term Evaluation of AMS in Belize (2015)