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International Partnerships

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Support to the Education Sector programme (2020)

Mid-term evaluation examines achievements and challenges in Sierra Leone's Support to the Education Sector programme.


EvalRef 2020-M-1500, Evaluation contract C-412424, Evaluated references D-37417
Publication date
12 May 2020
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


It is the overall objective of this mid-term evaluation of the “Support to the Education Sector in Sierra Leone” programme to implement an independent systematic and timely assessment of the intermediary results against the expected objectives of the “Support to the Education Sector in Sierra Leone” programme (the quality and the results of Actions), in the context of an evolving cooperation policy with an increasing emphasis on result-oriented approaches and the contribution towards the implementation of the relevant SDGs (the evaluation team proposes SDGs 4, 5, and 81). Also, to look for evidence of why, whether or how these results are linked to the EU intervention and seek to identify the factors driving or hindering progress in order to provide for key lessons learnt, conclusions and related recommendations for improving the implementation of the remaining operation period of the programme, and to inform future Actions and programming.

This independent mid-term evaluation took stock of what has been achieved to date, with the main purpose to allow for lessons learnt and recommendations to inform on (VfM approach):

  • Improvements to be set up by the European Union and the implementing partners (PROMAN, GIZ, Imprest Team) to maximise the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and (potential) impact of its support in Sierra Leone
  • The extent to which the EU-support programme evaluated might achieve the expected results (Theory of Change exercise)
  • Assessment of the effects of the programme’s M&E system: providing results oriented information against targets set under the strategy, and the use of the reports to facilitate informed policy dialogue between the different stakeholders (Government, EU, PROMAN, GIZ, other donors, CSOs, etc.) and evidence-based decision making. Also: to suggest improvements for the M&E logframe, if necessary
  • For improving equity in terms of access, retention and completion a strong gender-lens (including the prevention of School Related Gender-Based Violence - SRGBV) is required, with a view on no-one-is-left-behind (special needs) and a rights-based approach for all
  • For improving the quality and delivery of teaching and learning, incl. assessments, a strong focus on effective teaching approaches will be required (for instance: direct instruction and inquiry-based approaches)
  • For improving the quality of governance and management at all levels a strong focus on competences for effective leadership and management is required


12 MAY 2020
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Support to the Education Sector programme (2020)