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International Partnerships

Mid-Term Review of TRAQUE (2016)

This report describes the findings, conclusions and recommendations of a mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the project Trade Related Assistance and Quality Enabling Programme (TRAQUE) in Ghana, carried out in 2016.


EvalRef 2016-M-1007, Evaluation contract C-373009, Evaluated references C-269291, D-22200
Publication date
7 April 2016
Directorate-General for International Partnerships


The evaluation had the objective to provide decision-makers and stakeholders with information needed to ensure that the Programme is being executed in accordance with the stipulated conditions and the desired benefits have been achieved. The evaluation assignment was carried out by independent experts on behalf of the Delegation of the European Union to Ghana (EUD), in line with Section 5.2 of the FA, which provides for external evaluations, including mid-term evaluations.

This Mid-Term Review also served as final evaluation, due do the fact that it comes late compared implementation timeline, with TRAQUE project expected to end in 2017, with the 10th EDF. The main attention was to detect failures and reasons for delay as a learning exercise for future cooperation. The selected methodology refers to the Utilization-Focused Evaluation (UFE), as developed by Michael Quinn Patton. This approach is based on the principle that an evaluation should be judged on its usefulness to its intended users. Therefore, the evaluation was planned and conducted in ways that enhance the likely utilization of both the findings and of the process itself to inform decisions and improve performance. The field work for the – summative – evaluation, involving a review of the extensive project documentation and conducting semi-structured interviews with representatives of Project beneficiaries and stakeholders, was carried out in the period April – May.


7 APRIL 2016
Mid-Term Review of TRAQUE (2016)