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International Partnerships


Guinea is a West African country, located at the Atlantic Ocean, with a population of 14 million. Despite the country’s wealth in natural resources such as minerals and hydropower and its vast untapped agricultural potential, Guinea remains fragile and vulnerable to shocks.

Our partnership

The EU is accompanying the Guinean democratic transition towards restoring the constitutional order. Our partnership includes supporting the country in strengthening its democratic institutions, improving migration management, enhancing economic and investment opportunities for inclusive growth and decent jobs, and fighting climate change and environmental degradation. This support is aligned with the EU’s Global Gateway Strategy.

Team Europe in Guinea brings together the EU, the European Investment Bank, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain and focuses on “green-blue economy” and “stability and good e-governance in Guinea”.

Under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe), the EU has allocated EUR 239 million in grant funding to support Guinea for the period from 2021 to 2024. Guinea also benefits from several multi-country EU programmes.

Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Guinea - annex (French)

Decision amending the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Sub-Saharan Africa following the 2024 mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming

Annual action plan 2024 for Guinea (French)

Annual action plan 2023 for Guinea (French)

Annual action plan 2022 for Guinea (French)

Programming documents 2014-2020 for Guinea

Our flagship initiatives


to contribute to Guinea’s political and social stability by accompanying the ongoing transition process. This includes supporting the organisation of the electoral process by strengthening the capacity of the key transition stakeholders, and by promoting transparency and accountability.

Agriculture and private sector development

to support inclusive and sustainable agricultural development by i) accompanying the industrialisation of several agriculture/fisheries value chains, ii) supporting  100 processing structures (such as SMES or cooperatives) with high growth potential and their suppliers, iii) opening up of isolated rural areas, iv) enhancing vocational training and developing public/private partnerships, and v) strengthening the capacity and facilitating access to finance of women entrepreneurs.

Environment, biodiversity protection and waste management

to support a better forest management by enhancing the management of three protected areas while improving local communities’ economic conditions and resilience, as well as to enhance solid waste management and recycling in Great Conakry and secondary cities.

Water management and hydropower development

to promote integrated water resources management, including for agriculture, and to improve access to green energy, notably in rural areas, by contributing to hydroelectricity distribution through the construction of transmission lines (including 493 km of high voltage lines) and by enhancing electricity distribution management.

Migration and border management

to support Guinea in the fight against human trafficking and migrants smuggling and to accompany national efforts in terms of returned migrants’ socioeconomic and psychosocial reintegration. This includes strengthening national capacities in terms of border control and investigation, enhancing the services offered to returnees, and promoting intra-community dialogue to facilitate access to information on socio-economic and regular migration opportunities, and to sensitise on the risks related to irregular migration.


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