Liberia - European Commission
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International Partnerships


Liberia is located along the Atlantic coast of West Africa, with an estimated population of around 5 million people. The country is still recovering from a 20-year period of civil wars that ended in 2003. Liberia has made significant progress in terms of political stability in recent years and has successfully conducted democratic elections. The country is rich in resources and offers enormous potential on agriculture and forestry.

Our partnership

The EU-Liberia partnership is built around the country’s sustainable, inclusive and green development goals, in line with the country’s “Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development” and the Global Gateway Strategy. Our action focuses on enhancing and preserving natural resources for sustainable growth, promoting decent jobs and inclusive growth, and improving financial and democratic governance.

Team Europe in Liberia brings together the EU, the European Investment Bank, France, Germany, Ireland, and Sweden and focuses on food systems and forestry and biodiversity.

Under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe), the EU has allocated EUR 191 million in grant funding for the Liberia partnership over 2021-2024. Liberia also benefits from various EU multi-country and globally supported initiatives.

Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Liberia – annex

Decision amending the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Sub-Saharan Africa following the 2024 mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming

Annual action plan 2024 for Liberia

Annual action plan 2023 for Liberia

Addendum 2022 to the individual measures 2019 for Liberia

Programming documents 2014-2020 for Liberia

EU-West Africa relations

Our flagship initiatives

Natural Resource management

to help Liberia enhancing and preserving natural resources for sustainable growth. Team Europe support focuses on:

  • Agriculture and fisheries: supporting the agroecological transition and the productivity and competitiveness of farmers in sustainable agribusinesses and preserving natural resources to increase food and nutrition security and food sovereignty.
  • Forest: supporting the regeneration and conservation of biodiversity and agroecological systems, especially in priority landscapes, with a focus on improving livelihood conditions of local communities, and increasing job creation and income generation in the forest sector, including ecotourism.
Decent jobs and growth

to promote sustainable and inclusive development in Liberia.

  • Youth: improving youth employability by providing technical and vocational education and training and promoting entrepreneurship. Intervention includes teacher training, business creation, fight against social inequalities, gender equality, involvement of the private productive sector, and support for human mobility.
  • Private sector development:  improving economic opportunities for individuals, in particular youth and women, and small and medium enterprises, and fostering entrepreneurship and decent employment. Intervention includes public-private dialogue on business regulatory reforms, creation of business incubators and start-ups, and work on promising value chains for increased added value, growth, and job creation.

to promote public and financial management reforms, enhance democratic participation and support the electoral cycle, and promote women’s rights while countering gender-based violence.


  • 23 APRIL 2024
EU-Liberia country projects


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