Zimbabwe - European Commission
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Zimbabwe is a low income country faced with several political and development challenges. The country has an educated population, is rich in natural resources, and has great potential for agriculture and manufacturing, but its development remains constrained by political and institutional bottlenecks. Since the early 2000s, Zimbabwe has actually seen increased poverty, economic deterioration, and frequent droughts.


Our priorities

The EU is committed to strengthening Zimbabwe's democracy, ensuring its stability, and laying a solid foundation for inclusive and long-term growth.

Zimbabwe faces difficulties in the areas of health, economy, education and human rights. Despite the substantial natural resources and a relatively well-educated population, hyperinflation, political and economic instability, corruption, and climate change have all affected the country's economy.

The Multi-Annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for EU cooperation with Zimbabwe will run until 2027 and is built on three key areas:

Good Governance and Citizens’ Rights (GGCR)

We focus on supporting good governance, democratization and citizens’ rights. Good governance helps to strengthen a democratic state, and well-founded citizens' rights are essential for people’s economic and social well-being, as well as Zimbabwe's long-term economic recovery and development of democracy, peace, and stability. Furthermore, we aim to support democratisation at the national and sub-national levels, propagating transparency and accountability.

Green Economic Growth (GEG)

We are committed to contributing to the sectors of climate-smart agriculture, natural resources management and renewable energy to enhance economic growth while minimising environmental degradation. The following indicative sectors are also covered: Energy, climate smart agriculture and general environmental protection, decentralisation and support to the subnational government.

Social Recovery and Human Development

Focus is mainly given to the sectors of public health, population programmes and reproductive health, and other social infrastructure and services. Relevant subsectors include basic nutrition, reproductive health care, family planning control, basic drinking water supply, basic sanitation, ending violence against women, social protection, social services, employment creation, multisector aid for basic social services, household food security programmes and disaster risk reduction. Our goal is to save lives and improve health outcomes, as well as foster equal socio-economic inclusion for all citizens.

Our programmes

The Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Zimbabwe for 2021-2024 amounts to €148 million.

 Priority Area 1: ‘Good Governance and Citizen’s Rights Specific Objective’ focuses on ensuring transparency and public service delivery in Zimbabwe, with particular emphasis on empowering women and the utilisation of digital technologies promoting the effective implementation of the Constitution, with a focus on transparency and accountability, public service delivery, gender equality and access to justice.

Priority Area 2: ‘Green Economic Growth Specific Objective’ will support local governance of infrastructures and natural resources while farmers can benefit from climate smart agriculture techniques. Additionally, it will help to preserve and protect specific ecosystems, raising the value of their assets with the participation of local communities. Finally, there is a plan to increase production and develop the usage of clean energy.

Priority Area 3: ‘Social Recovery and Human Development Specific Objective’ will help to save lives and improve the protection of children, adolescents, adults and people with disabilities against health threats while promoting the advancement of accountability and transparency in quality health services and increasing the outreach and the capacity of the health system. This will include increased access and promotion of social mobility and work opportunities, and strengthened participation in digital economies for vulnerable women and youth while enhancing nutrition security for those in need.

The MIP will also support measures in favour of meaningful engagement with local civil society that will be sought in all Priority Areas and policy dialogues. Moreover, a cooperation facility is foreseen in support of horizontal activities. The facility will support the EU Delegation in public and economic diplomacy actions and in developing strategic communication initiatives that will tackle disinformation and promote EU policies and transparency.


  • 8 MARCH 2022
Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Zimbabwe – annex
  • 31 OCTOBER 2024
Decision amending the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Sub-Saharan Africa following the 2024 mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming
  • 16 AUGUST 2024
Annual action plan 2024 for Zimbabwe
  • 1 FEBRUARY 2024
Support measure 2024 for Zimbabwe
  • 11 JULY 2022
Annual action plan 2022 for Zimbabwe
  • 30 JANUARY 2015
Programming documents 2014-2020 for Zimbabwe