SWITCH Africa Green - European Commission
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International Partnerships

SWITCH Africa Green

The SWITCH Africa Green programme aims to assist African countries with sustainable development, by encouraging a shift towards an inclusive green economy. 

About SWITCH Africa Green

The SWITCH Africa Green programme was launched in 2014 to assist African countries with sustainable development, by encouraging a shift towards an inclusive green economy. The programme supports business and non-state actors to make the switch to sustainable consumption and production practices, which in turn generates growth, creates jobs and reduces poverty.

Additionally, SWITCH Africa Green supports policymaking that prompts long-term sustainable change. These actions are in support of Sustainable Development Goal 12, 'responsible consumption and production'.

SWITCH Africa Green is established and funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in partnership with European Union delegations in participating countries.

Scope and objectives

SWITCH Africa Green focuses on 4 sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, integrated waste management and tourism. Within each sector, specific actions address 5 cross-cutting themes: energy efficiency, labelling and standards, water efficiency, eco-innovation and sustainable trade.

Through a combination of supporting policymaking, assisting green business and network facilitation, the SWITCH Africa Green programme aims to achieve the following outcomes

  • micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and business service providers that are better equipped to seize opportunities for green business development
  • better informed public and private consumers
  • enabling conditions in the form of clear policies, sound regulatory frameworks, appropriate incentives and taxes, and other fiscal and market-based instruments that influence key sectors in African countries

Key information

Geographical coverage

7 African countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa and Uganda




€21.5 million

Implementing organisations

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), One planter network, ARSCP