Global Gateway is Europe’s offer for connecting the world with investments and partnerships.
The first deliverable of Global Gateway is the Africa-Europe Investment Package, concentrating on sustainable investments in infrastructure (digital, energy, transport), health, education and skills, as well as climate change and environment. It aims to boost public and private investment to create sustainable growth and jobs for Africa’s growing youth population. It has the overarching objective of bolstering Africa’s socio-economic, green and digital transformation through innovative sources of funding. It pays particular attention to upholding high standards to create enabling regulatory frameworks.
See how we are creating smart, clean, and secure links in digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education, and research systems in Africa.
Through a Team Europe approach, we are bringing together the EU, its Member States, and European financial and development institutions to implement initiatives with a transformative impact.
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Global Gateway in Sub-Saharan Africa (123)
RSSEstablish an innovation platform centered on the Taabo hydroelectric scheme, involving full dam and plant rehabilitation, a 100-200 MW floating solar power plant, and a 50 MWh storage battery installation.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy

The flagship initiative on Youth Mobility for Africa promotes learning mobility opportunities within Africa and between Africa and the EU. It supports cooperation in higher education and skills development, and promotes Africa as a study destination.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Education and research
Construction of a 594 km double circuit 400 kV line from Pensulo to the Zambia Tanzania Border to enhance regional integration and foster economic development through electricity trade and enhanced security and reliability of electricity supply.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy