EU-Africa strategic corridors - European Commission
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EU-Africa strategic corridors

Creating strategic, sustainable, and secure transport corridors and supporting value chains, services and jobs will benefit industries in both Africa and Europe. The Strategic Corridors underpin the territorial organisation – rural and urban – through reliable networks and services.

Eleven strategic corridors aligned with the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA PAP 2) have been identified for an enhanced and greener EU-Africa connectivity. These corridors will facilitate trade and mobility within Africa as well as between Africa and Europe. They will also support investment in sustainable, efficient, and safe connectivity between the continents, thereby developing value-chains that benefit industries both in Africa and Europe.

Strategic corridors map

Transport corridors

West Africa

  • Abidjan-Lagos: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria
  • Abidjan-Ouagadougou: Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso
  • Praia / Dakar-Abidjan: Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Cabo Verde
  • Cotonou-Niamey: Benin, Niger

Central Africa

  • Libreville / Kribi / Douala-N’Djamena: Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Chad, São Tomé and Príncipe.
  • Douala / Kribi-Kampala: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republico of Congo, Uganda

East Africa

  • Mombasa-Kisangani: Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Dar es Salaam - Nairobi – Addis Abeba – Berbera - Djibouti.

Southern Africa

  • Maputo-Gaborone-Walvis Bay: Mozambique, South Africa, Eswatini, Botswana, Namibia
  • Durban-Lusaka: South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia

North and East Africa

  • Cairo-Khartoum-Juba-Kampala: Egypt, Soudan, South Sudan, Uganda

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