Climate, environment and energy

The Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) Programme assists the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to address their priorities for better managing and governing biodiversity and natural resources. It provides a variety of tools, services and funding.

ECOFAC6 promotes a green economy characterised by sustainable and inclusive economic development, as well as the fight against climate change.

The project supports biodiversity conservation in six priority regions: Congo Basin forest ecosystems, Transhumance landscapes in Central Africa, West Africa Forests, Sudano-sahelian savannahs of West Africa, Eastern Rift savannahs and watersheds, Transfrontier conservation areas of Southern Africa.

This programme aims to strengthen urban governance by supporting social, environmental or economic sustainability.

The SWITCH Africa Green programme aims to assist African countries with sustainable development, by encouraging a shift towards an inclusive green economy.

SWITCH Asia promotes sustainable consumption and production.
Digital, research and innovation

The ACP-EU Programme to Strengthen Research and Innovation capacity in ACP countries targets public and private stakeholders with a comprehensive package of opportunities.

The BELLA Programme provides support for the long-term interconnectivity of European and Latin American research and education communities through ‘EllaLink’, a new 6,000 km submarine cable.

The PRIDA programme aims to promote universally accessible and affordable broadband across the continent, unlocking the benefits of internet-based services for all

The aim of the Smart Development Fund is to refine digital solutions to counter COVID-19 challenges in, and with, EU partner countries.
Sustainable growth and jobs

The DeSIRA initiative aims to contribute to climate-relevant, productive and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in low and middle-income countries.

Human development

The BRiCE Programme was set up by the EU to help 72 million children living in crisis-affected countries who are in need educational support.

The DEAR Programme supports projects that engage Europeans in global issues related to social, economic and environmental development.

Transcultura Programme seeks to harness diversity, build bridges between people and cultures of different linguistic areas, and foster the role of culture, heritage and creativity.

The Lives in Dignity Grant Facility was founded to channel funding to promote development-oriented approaches to displacement crises.

The EU Global Diaspora Facility takes a global approach to consolidate the efforts of all those involved in diaspora engagement for development.
Peace and governance

The Team Europe Democracy Initiative (TED) will enhance evidence-based support for democracy worldwide.

EL PACCTO 2.0 aims to fight organised transnational crime using an integrated approach to reinforce the rule of law, citizen security and stability, both in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and Europe.
Gender equality

ACT to End Violence against Women (Advocacy, Coalition Building and Transformative Feminist Action to End Violence Against Women) is a programme to accelerate efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women.
Regional programmes

The Bêkou Trust Fund was set up as a rapid, flexible tool in 2014 to respond to the consequences of the crisis in the Central African Republic the previous year. It positions itself in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.

This programme seeks to create open dialogue between Europe and LAC countries on the impact that transitioning to a higher level of income has on the capacity of partner countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Joining Forces for Africa seeks to reduce the levels of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect that children and adolescents experience. The project works with families, communities and institutions to raise awareness and improve capacity to protect children.
Projects from EU-funded programmes
EUDiF II builds bridges between diaspora communities, partner countries, and the EU. By fostering collaboration, strengthening capacity, and generating knowledge, the initiative unlocks the potential of diaspora to contribute meaningfully to sustainable development.

Discover how the International Data Alliance for Children on the Move is closing data gaps to ensure better policies, programmes, and brighter futures for millions of displaced and migrant children worldwide.

The EU supports Kyrgyzstan in creating an inclusive, sustainable education system by fostering digital, media, and green skills while reducing inequalities and modernising teaching methods.