Mindchangers: Regions and youth for planet and people - European Commission Skip to main content
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Mindchangers: Regions and youth for planet and people

Mindchangers volunteers from Italy at the Mbao Fest in Senegal
Mindchangers volunteers from Italy at the Mbao Fest in Senegal
© Lay Volunteers International Association


“Mindchangers” improves the capacity of local authorities (LAs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) to launch and run projects and activities that engage youth in addressing climate change and migrations.

This project is supported by DEAR - the EU's Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme.

Project activities

With the slogan “Know > Act > Change”, Mindchangers is running a pan-European, innovative youth-oriented campaign, and sub-granting opportunities, research and capacity building.


A group of Mindchangers reporters
© Mindchangers

Mindchangers is increasing youth awareness and engagement for the Sustainable Development Goals. It is contributing to the public debate on climate change and migration with a pan-European campaign that is mobilising young people to become agents of change. Through stories and voices from outside the EU, the project shows the interconnection of global issues.

Through subgrants and capacity building, the Mindchangers is improving the skills of LAsand CSOs to engage young people and communicate about the challenges of climate change and migration. It is also helping them to connect with youth and other local and international actors. 

Mindchangers has funded 114 grass roots projects led by LAs and CSOs involving over 350 entities.

"When I joined the activities I was very impressed, because I saw people like me doing something extraordinary, that is to have a real impact on the territory" - Khaled, one of the over 17 000 young people involved.

Implementing partners

  • Italy: Regione Piemonte (lead applicant)
  • Belgium: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • France: RESACOOP - Réseau Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes d'appui à la coopération internationale
  • Germany: Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg and Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg
  • Italy: Consorzio delle ONG Piemontesi
  • Spain: Coordinadora de Ongd de La Rioja (CONGDCAR) and Gobierno de La Rioja
  • Romania: Universitatea din Craiova