The European Union confirms its cooperation priorities with partners around the world are fit for purpose and approves funds for 2025-2027 - European Commission Skip to main content
International Partnerships
  • News announcement
  • 4 November 2024
  • Brussels
  • Directorate-General for International Partnerships
  • 4 min read

The European Union confirms its cooperation priorities with partners around the world are fit for purpose and approves funds for 2025-2027

The European Commission has adopted the mid-term review of the programming of NDICI-Global Europe for Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas and the Caribbean, the external dimension of Erasmus+, and for the thematic programmes on Human Rights and Democracy, Civil Society Organisations, Peace, Stability and Conflict prevention, and Global Challenges. This mid-term review, which was scheduled to take place at halfway of the implementation of the NDICI-Global Europe instrument, amends the 2021-2027 programmes adopted in 2021, notably to establish country allocations for 2025-2027 and update priority areas for cooperation where necessary. The mid-term review covered 85 country, 1 multi-country, 3 regional, 4 thematic multi-annual indicative programmes and the Erasmus+ programme.

Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen commented: “Seven years is a long time today’s volatile global context. The needs and challenges of our partner countries evolve, and it is important that we can adjust our programmes accordingly. This mid-term review will ensure that the components of the NDICI-Global Europe are fit for purpose. The review has taken stock of progress made and allocations have been adjusted to ensure that the EU can continue to deliver amidst increasing global competition and ensure support to the fragile partner countries. We remain committed to leaving no one behind”.

The High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell said: “Since the beginning of my mandate together with Jutta Urpilainen we have set ambitious goals with partners, contributing significantly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promoting multilateralism and universal values. We are delivering on the EU Global Gateway strategy and committed to accelerate and scale up its implementation, while continuing to respond to the specific needs of fragile countries”.

The mid-term review enhances the implementation of the EU Global Gateway strategy. It embodies the ongoing shift towards mutually beneficial partnerships and aims at investing in clean and secure projects focused on energy and climate, digital and transport sectors, and strengthening health, education and research systems across the world.

Cooperation on migration, including legal migration and addressing the root causes, is prioritised, with focus countries of origin or transit of irregular migration towards the EU.

The EU continues to fully engage in fragile and conflict-affected countries through tailored partnerships to address the drivers of fragility and instability. The EU confirms its commitment towards least developed countries, which will continue to receive more than two-thirds of the country allocations over 2025-27.

Human development continues to feature prominently in EU programmes, ensuring the EU remains on track to meet its targets. For example, the Erasmus+ programme is amended to support the Africa-Youth academy initiative launched by Commissioner Urpilainen in 2023. 

In order to support the roll-out of the Global Gateway strategy, regional programmes are reinforced with dedicated investment envelopes. This revised approach provides further flexibility to fund projects in a Team Europe approach where opportunity arises at country or regional level. 

Overall, the mid-term review enables the EU to concentrate its means where they can make the biggest difference and contribute most effectively to progress of partner countries towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

In addition, the redeployment of funds stipulated in the midterm review also caters to the evolving priorities identified by member states in the Council conclusions of 1 February 2024. 

Background information

The mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming was launched in June 2023. For this review, the Commission and the European External Action Service, both in Headquarters and in EU Delegations, assessed to what extent all country, regional and thematic multi-annual indicative programmes adopted end 2021 for the period 2021-27, were still fit for purpose in addressing EU and partner countries’ priorities.

The process has been inclusive with consultations conducted with a broad range of stakeholders at country and headquarters levels, in particular: partner country governments, EU Member States, their development agencies and financial institutions, CSOs, including women and youth organisations, private sector and the UN agencies.   

The country, regional and thematic multiannual indicative programmes are adopted by the Commission and establish the priority areas for cooperation, specific objectives, expected results as well as the indicative allocations for the EU cooperation with partner countries and regions covered by NDICI-Global Europe, i.e. the Neighbourhood, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas and the Caribbean. These multiannual indicative programmes therefore constitute the long-term plans for the implementation of NDICI-Global Europe in these countries and regions.

Implementation is translated through the adoption of (multi-)annual action plans and measures financed by the relevant multi-annual indicative programme which detail the actions financed by NDICI-Global Europe. 

Mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming – figures (in millions Euro)

RegionTotal decided Country allocation 25-27Regional allocation 2021-27 post mid-term review
Sub-Saharan Africa4,47112,000  
Asia and the Pacific1,1293,660
Americas and the Caribbean3341,985

The mid-term review for the Neighbourhood programmes is on-going and should be concluded in 2025.

More information on the Global Europe - Programming webpage


Publication date
4 November 2024
Directorate-General for International Partnerships