Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa - European Commission
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International Partnerships

Global Gateway in Sub-Saharan Africa

We implement Global Gateway through regional and country initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa that have results with a transformative impact.

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Global Gateway in Sub-Saharan Africa (123)

Showing results 80 to 90
Port of Pointe-Noire Infrastructure, Republic of Congo
Port of Pointe-Noire Infrastructure, Republic of Congo

The project will contribute to the reduction of poverty and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations of the Republic of Congo through an improvement of the economic and commercial environment, access to efficient port infrastructure and sustainable fisheries resource management.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Transport
Port Victoria rehabilitation and extension in the Seychelles

The project aims to rehabilitate and extend the Port Victoria and adapt it to actual and future port operations. The Port Victoria is the only significantly sized port serving the Seychelles and is critical to the economic life of the country.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Transport
Preservation of terrestrial and marine landscapes (Talaky Be) in Madagascar

Establish hydro-agricultural infrastructures, rehabilitate/build rural roads, and develop 3,300 hectares of irrigated land, all with a gender and human rights-based approach to promote women's empowerment.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Private mobilisation fund for climate resilience investments in land-use and water

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development is a climate resilience fund, dedicated to supporting climate adaptation and mitigation projects. It provides access to finance for promising early-stage initiatives, helping them to grow into scalable projects resilient to the effects of climate change.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Programme d'appui du système de santé III (PASS III) - Amagara mu muryango in Burundi

The main objective of the program PASS III is to contribute to the implementation and expansion of universal health coverage by improving sustainable access to health services and the quality of care, particularly in the areas of reproductive, maternal, neonatal/newborn, child and adolescent health.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Health
Programme de Remise à Niveau du Transgabonais (phase 2) in Gabon

The overall aim of the project is to provide Gabon with an upgraded, sustainable transport infrastructure that will improve national connectivity (some 300,000 passengers a year) and support the diversification of the Gabonese economy, notably through the development of the mining sector.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Transport
Provision of combi-tracks solar energy and horticulture in Nigeria

YAS will support 10,000 young people in setting up their own business in the agri-food sector or finding a suitable job. Launch of NL combi-tracks solar energy and horticulture, bringing together aid, trade and investments and also connecting renewable energy and agri-food.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Well-trained and motivated teachers are central to quality education and improved learning outcomes.

The Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa (RTIA) supports African countries to raise both the quality of teacher education and training, and contribute to increasing the availability of teachers with minimum required qualifications.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Education and research
Rehabilitation and equipment of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in Benue, Plateau and Oyo States in Nigeria

Enhancing 3 state agricultural colleges, 2 government technical colleges, and 3 agri-related vocational institutions, with a focus on improving training quality and employment transition, particularly empowering girls and women.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Education and research
Rehabilitation and expansion of drinking water infrastructure in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Rehabilitation and expansion of drinking water infrastructure in the major city of Mbuji Mayi.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy