Togo - European Commission
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International Partnerships

Togo is a West African country, spanning from the Gulf of Guinea (south) towards the Sahel (north), with a population of just over 9 million (2023).

Togo has put in place solid policies to further the green and digital transitions. It is the first African exporter of organic products to the EU, and hosts the only natural deep-water port in West Africa.

Our partnership

The EU supports Togo towards sustainable and inclusive development, in line with the “Togo 2025” roadmap and the Global Gateway Strategy. Our action builds on Togo’s strategic location and its commitment to the twin green and digital transitions.

Team Europe in Togo brings together the EU, the European Investment Bank, France and Germany.

The EU, together with France and Germany, adopted a Joint Programming Document for the period 2021-27 under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe). Under that framework, the EU allocated €145 million in grant funding to the partnerships with Togo over 2021-24. Togo also benefits from a number of multi-country EU programmes.

Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Togo - Annex

Decision amending the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 for Sub-Saharan Africa following the 2024 mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming

Annual action plan 2024 (French)

Multiannual Action Plan 2022-2024

Annual Action Plan 2021

Our flagship initiatives

Team Europe in Togo focuses its action on several key sectors:

  • Energy – to help Togo meet its objective of 100% electrification by 2030, of which 50% generated by renewables. Team Europe support under the EU-Africa Energy Initiative already benefits 1 million people. It focuses on:
    • Generation: generating up to 4.5 MW of energy from renewable sources through off-grid systems, notably in health centres and farms. Further support is envisaged for the construction or rehabilitation of renewable energy power plants in the country (including the largest hydro-power plant in Nangbeto).
    • Access: extending and reinforcing the distribution network over 3,500 km, and increasing the efficiency of the electricity network in 53 cities to benefit 500,000 people as well as supporting the fund for universal access to electricity (TINGA Fund).
    • Governance: supporting better energy sector governance through sound institutional frameworks and incentivising private investment.
  • Agri-business and biodiversity protection – to support the agro-ecological transition and the productivity of small farmers in sustainable agri-businesses, women entrepreneurship, competitiveness and the preservation of natural resources. Team Europe support focuses on:
    • Value chains: transforming selected value chains such as pineapple or cashew nuts into a means for creating jobs, increasing food security, increasing local consumption, and expanding export opportunities.
    • Irrigation systems: developing irrigation systems and rain-fed farming systems through agro-ecological innovation, capacity building, access to irrigation equipment and finance.
    • High nutritional food: provisioning agricultural inputs such as seeds, developing vegetable gardens to provide canteen services in 50 primary schools, and promoting women entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector.
    • Management of protected areas: supporting the regeneration and conservation of biodiversity and agro-ecological systems in particular in the protected areas of Fazao-Malfakassa and Abdoulaye in the Central region, and Togodo-Mono in the Plateaux and Maritime regions.
  • Transport – to enhance infrastructure and efficient and safe connectivity. Team Europe currently supports the rehabilitation of 31km of Togolese roads part of the Lomé-Cotonou section of the Abidjan-Lagos transport corridor (one of the EU-Africa strategic corridors) and the rehabilitation of rural roads in the main agricultural areas (Savanes and Maritime region).
  • Young businesses – to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem and small businesses. Togo is one of the pilot countries of the continental flagship programme Investing in Young Businesses in Africa (IYBA). Its national component was launched in Lomé in February 2023 and will provide access to finance and technical assistance to young businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Governance – to ensure that good quality public services, such as waste management, are available to all, including in rural areas. EU support notably focuses on:
    • Waste management: improving the collection and treatment of waste in five major regional cities and the upgrade of the Aképé landfill in Lomé.
    • Local authorities: operationalising the national agency for training local authorities and improving the mechanism for financing local authorities.
  • Security and resilience – to help Togo address its exposure to security threats and the spill-over of terrorism from the Sahel, particularly in the country’s northern region (Savanes). EU support focuses on:
    • Access to basic services: electrifying eight towns in remote areas together with France and Germany, constructing drinking water supply, rehabilitating the Dalwak dam, constructing and rehabilitating collective latrines, establishing liquid and solid waste collection systems and modernising health care centres.
    • Dispute resolution and fight against extremism: strengthening mechanisms for the prevention/management of community conflicts (particularly over access to natural resources), including cross-border issues and supporting the Interministerial Committee for the Fight against Violent Extremism (CIPLEV).
    • Armed forces reaction capacity: enabling the army to perform aerial observation by drone, reinforcing its ground positions to better protect local populations and supporting the civil-military dialogue at local level.
  • 15 SEPTEMBER 2023
EU-Togo country projects


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