Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa - European Commission
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International Partnerships

Global Gateway in Sub-Saharan Africa

We implement Global Gateway through regional and country initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa that have results with a transformative impact.

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Global Gateway in Sub-Saharan Africa (123)

Showing results 30 to 40
Development of generation and evacuation infrastructure for on-grid renewable energy projects and construction of six small hydropower plants (approx. 2MW) in Nigeria

The project is part of the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative which aims to engage European and African public and private sector actors to increase electricity production and access to energy, promote energy efficiency, support reforms for boosting private investment, and foster market integration.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Development of solar power plant in Boundiali and Serebou and extension, reinforcement, and upgrading of networks in Côte d'Ivoire

The project will contribute to the low carbon transition by increasing the production and access to more electricity from renewable energy sources.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Digital Health for Health Systems Strengthening and Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Sub-Saharan Africa

The project aims at boosting health system efficiency and achieving universal health coverage via digital health initiatives.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Health
Djibouti second airport development project
Djibouti second airport development project

​The Djibouti airport development project received a funding from the Fonds d’études et d’aide au secteur privé (FASEP) to finance the completion of feasibility studies and allow for a roundtable of potential donors.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Transport
Doubling the capacity of the desalination plant and construction of a solar energy plant in Djibouti

Expansion of the desalination plant to double its capacity, and construction of a solar energy plant to fully power the plant, including related PV plant and water treatment infrastructure.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Global Gateway - eYouth Mozambique
e-Youth in Mozambique

The project strengthens inclusive digital ecosystems, enhances digital literacy and skills for youth, particularly for girls and those living in vulnerable situations. It provides incubation and acceleration of sustainable digital start-ups.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Education and research
Early childhood development in Zambia

Support to health and education in the two most underserved provinces, while strengthening the delivery of health and education services.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Education and research
Eastern Backbone Power Transmission in Malawi

Upgrade of 400km of transmission grid.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
Enhance and secure renewable electricity generation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Enhance and secure renewable electricity generation in DRC by rehabilitating the Ruzizi II hydropower plant and upgrading the common switchgear for hydroelectric power plants INGA I and II.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Climate and energy
EU-Africa-India digital corridor

The project will contribute to the development of a 11,700 km long planned trusted and secure intercontinental submarine cable system, stretching from Europe to India with intermediate landings in the eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and Eastern Africa.

Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
  • Digital