Global Gateway is Europe’s offer for connecting the world with investments and partnerships.
The first deliverable of Global Gateway is the Africa-Europe Investment Package, concentrating on sustainable investments in infrastructure (digital, energy, transport), health, education and skills, as well as climate change and environment. It aims to boost public and private investment to create sustainable growth and jobs for Africa’s growing youth population. It has the overarching objective of bolstering Africa’s socio-economic, green and digital transformation through innovative sources of funding. It pays particular attention to upholding high standards to create enabling regulatory frameworks.
See how we are creating smart, clean, and secure links in digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education, and research systems in Africa.
Through a Team Europe approach, we are bringing together the EU, its Member States, and European financial and development institutions to implement initiatives with a transformative impact.
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Global Gateway in Sub-Saharan Africa (123)
RSSConstruction of infrastructure and creation of integrated development hubs as part of developing the blue economy.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Transport
The project will support the monitoring and controlling of the transport of electricity in the country, the enhancement of the capacity of the grid and the digital transformation of the electricity sector (installation of the optic fibre included).
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy
A sovereign framework loan to the Republic of Cabo Verde to finance a set of inter-related electricity generation, transmission and storage projects under the country's National Electricity.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy
The project is part of the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative which aims to engage European and African public and private sector actors to increase electricity production and access to energy, promote energy efficiency, support reforms for boosting private investment, and foster market integration.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy
The hydroelectric power plant (420MW) will produce more than 2100 GWh yearly. As a renewable source of energy, the power plant will contribute to avoiding the emission of 850kteq of CO2 per year.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy

The construction of a 89 km Yaoundé Bypass Road will reduce journey times and transport costs on the Kribi/Douala-Ndjamena strategic corridor. It will also avoid the crossing of the city of Yaoundé by freight trucks and transit traffic and, therefore, facilitate urban mobility.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Transport
Establish a cold-storage facility for perishables at Modjo Dry Port, connected to the Addis-Djibouti railway to enhance supply chain competitiveness and spur the growth of a large-scale fruit and vegetable export sector.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Transport
Implementation of the strategic partnership with Zambia to promote the development of sustainable raw materials value chains.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Climate and energy
Data Governance in Africa supports the African Union Commission, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), as well as their Member States in developing data policy frameworks building on the AU Data Policy Framework.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Digital
The project will contribute to make traffic more fluid, to improve air quality and to enhance the living conditions of urban populations.
- Global Gateway - Areas of partnership
- Transport