La estrategia europea Global Gateway tiene por objeto promover vínculos inteligentes, limpios y seguros en los sectores digital, de la energía y del transporte, y reforzar los sistemas de salud, educación e investigación en todo el mundo.
Global Gateway es plenamente conforme con la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas y sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, así como con el Acuerdo de París.
El objetivo de la estrategia es movilizar hasta 300 000 millones de euros en inversiones.
Con un «enfoque de Equipo Europa», la estrategia Global Gateway reunirá a la UE, a sus Estados miembros y a sus instituciones financieras y de desarrollo para movilizar al sector privado a fin de impulsar las inversiones con impacto transformador.
Global Gateway se pone en práctica a través de proyectos en América Latina y Caribe; Oriente Medio, Asia y Pacífico, y África Subsahariana.
Projects identified as flagships are prominent examples of the progress and deliverables of Global Gateway.
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Creación de una estructura global que garantice un enfoque plenamente inclusivo de la gobernanza de la estrategia Global Gateway.
Ámbitos de asociación
La estrategia Global Gateway se centra en ámbitos de infraestructuras que aportan soluciones a los distintos retos del contexto geopolítico actual. Se articula en torno a cinco motores políticos:
Through Global Gateway, the EU is strengthening connections between Europe and the world and helping partner countries address the digital divide and further integrate into the global digital ecosystem.
Global Gateway will support investments in climate mitigation and resilience, as well as clean energy - a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low and middle-income countries.
Global Gateway is promoting worldwide infrastructure investments that create sustainable, smart, resilient, inclusive and safe networks in all modes of transport.
Global Gateway is strengthening healthcare capacities around the world, helping us to overcome diseases such as COVID-19, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS.
Global Gateway is investing in quality education, paying attention to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, and is working with partner countries to strengthen cooperation on research and innovation.
Noticias relacionadas
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The United Nations, European Commission, and World Bank Group will make gender equality and ending violence against women and girls a priority of their cooperation to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Today, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, the EU and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced they are developing new financing mechanisms to accelerate access to health products, including safe, effective and affordable contraceptive and maternal health medicines.