Global Gateway on Euroopa Liidu strateegia, mille eesmärk on edendada arukaid, puhtaid ja turvalisi ühendusi digi-, energia- ja transpordivaldkonnas ning tugevdada tervishoiu-, haridus- ja teadussüsteeme kogu maailmas.
Global Gateway strateegia on täielikult vastavuses ÜRO kestliku arengu tegevuskavaga aastani 2030, selle kestliku arengu eesmärkide ja Pariisi kokkuleppega.
Global Gateway eesmärk on kaasata kuni 300 miljardit eurot investeeringuid.
Euroopa tiimi lähenemisviisi kaudu toob Global Gateway kokku ELi, selle liikmesriigid ning nende finants- ja arenguasutused, et mobiliseerida erasektor, et võimendada investeeringuid ümberkujundava mõju saavutamiseks.
Lisateave mõne meie juhtprojekti kohta, mis on olulised näited strateegia „Global Gateway“ edusammudest ja tulemustest.
Strateegia „Global Gateway“ avab erasektori ettevõtjatele märkimisväärseid ärivõimalusi. Tutvuge olemasolevate võimalustega.
Luuakse terviklik struktuur, mis tagab täielikult kaasava lähenemisviisi strateegia „Global Gateway“ juhtimisele.
Uurige graafikajuhendist, kuidas rakendada Global Gateway kaubamärgi kasutamist, ning laadige alla logo ja muu graafiline materjal.
Partnerluse valdkonnad
Global Gateway keskendub taristuvaldkondadele, mis pakuvad lahendusi mitmesugustele probleemidele praeguses geopoliitilises kontekstis. See keskendub viiele poliitilisele tõukejõule:

Through Global Gateway, the EU is strengthening connections between Europe and the world and helping partner countries address the digital divide and further integrate into the global digital ecosystem.

Global Gateway will support investments in climate mitigation and resilience, as well as clean energy - a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low and middle-income countries.

Global Gateway is promoting worldwide infrastructure investments that create sustainable, smart, resilient, inclusive and safe networks in all modes of transport.

Global Gateway is strengthening healthcare capacities around the world, helping us to overcome diseases such as COVID-19, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS.

Global Gateway is investing in quality education, paying attention to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, and is working with partner countries to strengthen cooperation on research and innovation.
Seotud uudised
On 24-25 March, Commissioner for International Partnerships Jozef Síkela went on a mission to Rome to meet with both Italian and UN stakeholders like the Food Agricultural Organisation (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP).
The European Union and Costa Rica have further enhanced digital connectivity and technological sovereignty with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Costa Rica’s Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications and Hispasat, a leading European satellite provider.

The European Union and the five Central Asia countries further deepened their mutual-beneficial partnership, mobilising investments under the EU’s Global Gateway strategy in the areas of digital connectivity, transport, critical raw materials, and the water, energy and climate sector.