Strategija Global Gateway je evropska strategija za spodbujanje pametnih, čistih in varnih povezav v digitalnem, energetskem in prometnem sektorju ter krepitev zdravstvenih, izobraževalnih in raziskovalnih sistemov po vsem svetu.
Strategija Global Gateway je v celoti usklajena z agendo OZN do leta 2030 in njenimi cilji trajnostnega razvoja ter Pariškim sporazumom.
Cilj strategije Global Gateway je mobilizirati naložbe v višini do 300 milijard evrov.
Strategija Global Gateway bo prek pristopa Ekipe Evropa združila EU, njene države članice ter njihove finančne in razvojne institucije za mobilizacijo zasebnega sektorja, da bi spodbudila naložbe za preobrazbeni učinek.
Več informacij o nekaterih naših vodilnih projektih, ki so pomembni primeri napredka in rezultatov strategije Global Gateway.
Strategija Global Gateway odpira pomembne poslovne priložnosti za podjetja iz zasebnega sektorja. Odkrijte priložnosti, ki so na voljo.
Vzpostavlja se celovita struktura, ki bo zagotovila popolnoma vključujoč pristop na področju upravljanja strategije Global Gateway.
Več o uporabi blagovne znamke Global Gateway v okviru grafičnega prikaza ter možnosti prenosa logotipa in drugih grafičnih virov.
Področja partnerstva
Strategija Global Gateway se osredotoča na tista področja infrastrukture, ki bodo prinesla rešitve za različne izzive v sedanjih geopolitičnih razmerah. Deluje okoli petih gonilnih osi:

Through Global Gateway, the EU is strengthening connections between Europe and the world and helping partner countries address the digital divide and further integrate into the global digital ecosystem.

Global Gateway will support investments in climate mitigation and resilience, as well as clean energy - a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low and middle-income countries.

Global Gateway is promoting worldwide infrastructure investments that create sustainable, smart, resilient, inclusive and safe networks in all modes of transport.

Global Gateway is strengthening healthcare capacities around the world, helping us to overcome diseases such as COVID-19, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS.

Global Gateway is investing in quality education, paying attention to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, and is working with partner countries to strengthen cooperation on research and innovation.
Povezane novice
The European Union proudly participates in the Investing in African Mining Indaba conference, reinforcing its commitment to fostering sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships with Africa’s mining sector.
At the EU Space Conference in Brussels, the European Commission announced the “Africa-EU Space Partnership Programme.” This initiative, backed by a €100 million investment, forms a critical part of the EU's Global Gateway strategy to deepen space cooperation between the EU and Africa.
On 21-23 January, Commissioner for International Partnerships Jozef Síkela participated in the 2025 World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos, Switzerland, to present the European Union’s flagship strategy, Global Gateway.